Old Updates
Here, you can read all the updates on this site since October 25th 2003 and some of the ones from September and August 2003 - the site has been around since November 2nd 2002, but unfortunately most of the updates from the first year were never archived. Be advised that some links might take you to outdated sections or something else that has been taken off the site - I do not necessarily endorse the content of any such sections.
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04/01/24: April Fools yet again
Hope you all enjoyed this year's little gag. While the style and casino rebranding were obviously a joke, the roulette mechanics were very much not! R/S/E roulette really does involve Taillow and Shroomish cheating for you if you have them in your party and an elaborate chaotic decision tree determining that rolls are more consistent if you have Taillow and Shroomish with you and play in the morning. I have been dying to show you all this madness for over a year now of intermittently working on this article and the simulations in between having to do other things, and truthfully there are still a few more things I want to do for the simulator, so you may see a couple more updates to the article.
I've now reverted the style back to normal and added a writeup about this year's joke to the April Fools' Day joke archive, with a lot of rambling about the 4+-year history of my analysis of R/S/E roulette. Thanks once again to Quiara for prompting all this, and to all of you for your patience!
Welcome to THE CASINO OF DRAGONFLIES. After a couple of years of growing pathological obsession with the game of roulette, and the many e-mails I have received with offers to make me rich if only I would add links to the top casino games to my Pokémon website, I have finally faced the depths of my addiction and embraced the site's destiny. Click here to play and learn all about THE BEST ONLINE ROULETTE GAME trending casino gambling.
01/31/24: Groundhog Dave
I've put up another new Morphic AU extra that's been a long time coming, Groundhog Dave, featuring Dave in a time loop on the day of chapter 13 of the fic. Please mind the content warnings on this one, since it's heavier than usual; it includes strong and demeaning language, gun violence, character death, suicide and suicidal ideation, and existential horror. It also spoils the ending of Morphic, and will probably not make too much sense without having read the main fic.
01/01/24: Happy 2024!
Another year comes to an end! I hope, despite everything, you've had a decent 2023 and your 2024 will be better.
This year I would like to extend some thanks to...
- ...all of my lovely friends, who make me happy by existing, especially those I got to hang out with, have voice or video chats or in-depth conversations, or roleplay with this year including Jackie, Chibi, elyvorg, Psychic and Teagan, Negrek, seatherny, Murkrow and opaltiger
- ...Altissimo, for working on an amazing and necessary Pokémon data resource and sending me corrections
- ...Darren of Johto Times, for reconnecting, starting a fascinating newsletter on the early days of Pokémon and its fandom, and even giving me an interview as part of it
- ...Ayano of Blue Moon Falls, for a fansite with great original content that keeps impressing me
- ...Ottercopter, for encouraging me to enter the Unsounded fanworks contest
- ...all of the staff of the Heartache RPG, which I look greatly forward to continuing to enjoy this year
- ...Game Freak, for the Scarlet and Violet DLC unexpectedly having the most interesting character-based storytelling in any Pokémon game
- ...my husband Shadey, the love of my life
- ...Birta, best cat
- ...my parents, who I feel very grateful for
- ...the Thousand Roads community, my primary internet home
- ...my generous patrons
- ...everyone for your patience with my still-not-quite-finished writeup on R/S/E roulette
Happy new year! I will see you next update... hopefully the roulette.
Page last modified February 22 2018 at 00:36 UTC