Pokémon List Generator

This tool can generate a list of Pokémon in any format you like. It does not strictly have to be a list - anything you want to generate in sequence for each and every Pokémon out of a given set will do.


The list generator will replace the following variables in your format string with a piece of data about the relevant Pokémon:

Returns Pokémon's name (see filters below for language options).
Returns Pokémon's number in a given Pokédex. Replace POKÉDEX with the appropriate Pokédex identifier: national, gsc, rse, dp, pt, hgss, bw, b2w2, xy_central, xy_coastal, xy_mountain, oras, sm, sm_melemele, sm_akala, sm_ulaula, sm_poni, usum, usum_melemele, usum_akala, usum_ulaula, usum_poni, swsh, swsh_armor, swsh_tundra, hisui, sv, sv_kitakami or sv_blueberry. For instance, %[national_dex]% will give you 1 for Bulbasaur; %[xy_coastal_dex]% will give you 1 for Drifloon.
Returns Pokémon's number in whichever ordering you're using (e.g. 1 for Abomasnow when ordering alphabetically, or 1 for Bulbasaur when ordering by National Pokédex).


The variables can additionally be augmented with filters. To use a filter, add a pipe character(|) followed by the name of the filter before the closing bracket in the variable, e.g. %[name|lower]% or %[number|zeropad]%. Filters can also be combined, e.g. %[name|lower|stripspecial]%, in which case they will be applied in order from left to right.

Converts the variable to lowercase, e.g. %[name|lower]% for Bulbasaur becomes "bulbasaur".
Converts the variable to uppercase, e.g. %[name|upper]% for Bulbasaur becomes "BULBASAUR".
Strips all characters other than letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores from the variable, e.g. %[name|stripspecial]% for Mr. Mime becomes "MrMime". To distinguish between Nidoran male and female, the male and female symbols in their names will be turned into m and f rather than simply being removed; similarly, the é's in Flabébé will be turned to regular e's.
If the variable is a number of less than four digits, it will have zeroes inserted at the start to make it exactly four digits, so e.g. %[national_dex|zeropad]% for Bulbasaur becomes "0001".
The same as zeropad, but only pads numbers with fewer than three digits to three, so that %[national_dex|zeropad3]% becomes "001".
Only usable with the name variable, this will give the Pokémon's name in the given language. japanese will give you the Japanese name written in Katakana (one of the three Japanese scripts); in order to get the Japanese name as written with the Latin alphabet, you want japanese_roomaji. For example, %[name|japanese]% for Bulbasaur becomes "フシギダネ"; %[name|japanese_roomaji]% for Bulbasaur becomes "Fushigidane"; and %[name|german]% for Bulbasaur becomes "Bisasam".

Full examples: "%[number|zeropad]%: <b>%[name]%</b><br>" ordered by National Pokédex will return an HTML list in the format "0001: Bulbasaur" etc. with line breaks in between; "<img src="%[national_dex|zeropad3]%%[name|lowercase]%.gif"> " ordered by Hoenn Pokédex will return a list of HTML images named 252treecko.gif, 253grovyle.gif, etc.

Generations to include

Order by

If ordering by a regional dex that doesn't include all the Pokémon in the generations your list includes, the list generator will include the rest ordered by National Pokédex number (if you don't need the rest, simply only copy the relevant part of the list), but the %[number]% variable will be ??? for those Pokémon, since they don't actually have a number. If you would like the %[number]% variable to just "make up" a number by continuing to increment by one for each Pokémon (before skipping Pokémon from excluded generations), check this box. (The _dex variables will always return the Pokémon's actual number in that Pokédex or ??? if it has none.)

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