Fake Pokémon
This section contains fake Pokémon made by me. They are only species, not characters or mascots for the site, and are all native to the Ouen region from my fanfic.
These Pokémon's designs and the artwork shown here are © Butterfree / Dragonfree / antialiasis and are NOT to be used in fan-games, RPGs, etc., even with full credit! You can create original artwork portraying them as long as you credit me for creating the actual Pokémon, but you may not directly use my sprites of them in anything, and you may not use their designs for fan-games and so on, even if the actual artwork used is yours.
Leta, Letal and Letaligon
These are the pseudo-legendaries (Dragonite / Tyranitar / Salamence / Metagross-esque) of Ouen. They live in herds of 20-40, each with a shiny leader - shinies of the species are unusually common, and in fact all of a shiny's offspring will inherit the trait. If at any point in time there are two shiny Letaligon in a herd (whether another shiny has arrived and wants to take over the herd or one of the leader's children evolves), either one of them must leave by his/her own free will or they must fight to the death for leadership.
They mate for life and are very true to their mates.
Leta is the first stage of the Leta evolution line. It is not a mistake in the sprite that it has no nose, ears or mouth; the face is featureless aside from the eyes until it actually opens its mouth. It likes to run away when attacked, or if it must, it will hypnotize the enemy using its extremely flexible, pure-muscle tail and large red eyes.
As Leta grows, the fur on its sides and tail starts to darken and stiffen. What is really happening is that the iron it eats is transformed into a special, light kind of metal that slowly transforms the hairs in those areas which the bloodstream takes it to.
General Info
- Height: 2'4"
- Weight: 58.4 lbs.
- Classification: Plain
- Color: White
- Type: Normal
- Ability: Run Away
- Evolution: Letal (level 30)
- Gender ratio: 50% male, 50% female
- Breeding group: Ground
- Growth rate: Slow
- Steps to hatch egg: 10240
- Effort points given: +1 Attack
- Base happiness: 35
- Catch rate: 45
Base Stats
- HP: 50
- Attack: 64
- Defense: 50
- Speed: 50
- Special Attack: 41
- Special Defense: 45
- Total: 300
- Level 1: Tackle
- Level 1: Tail Whip
- Level 5: Hypnosis
- Level 10: Sand-Attack
- Level 14: Headbutt
- Level 19: Slash
- Level 23: Payback
- Level 28: Agility
- Level 32: Iron Tail
- Level 37: Take Down
- Level 41: Iron Defense
- Level 46: Tri Attack
- Level 50: Hyper Beam
- Egg: Scratch, Screech, Roar, Night Slash
When Leta evolves, the areas on its fur that are rich with metal melt together to form Letal's armor. The mask on its head, on the other hand, forms completely through the evolutionary process. The flexibility of the tail can be maintained if it moves the tail during evolution, which allows the hairs to stay separated, but occasionally trainers force them to keep it still in order for them to be able to use the stiff tail as a weapon later. This is considered cruelty.
The shinies need to prove their strength after they become Letal, because their armor is made of a different, heavier metal which is better to fight with but harder to bear.
Letal also like to engage in mock fights with each other.
General Info
- Height: 4'1"
- Weight: 66.1 lbs.
- Classification: Armored
- Color: White
- Type: Normal/Steel
- Ability: Sturdy
- Evolution: Letaligon (level 55)
- Gender ratio: 50% male, 50% female
- Breeding group: Ground
- Growth rate: Slow
- Steps to hatch egg: 10240
- Effort points given: +2 Attack
- Base happiness: 35
- Catch rate: 45
Base Stats
- HP: 70
- Attack: 84
- Defense: 70
- Speed: 70
- Special Attack: 51
- Special Defense: 65
- Total: 410
- Level 1: Tackle
- Level 1: Tail Whip
- Level 1: Metal Burst
- Level 1: Iron Head
- Level 5: Hypnosis
- Level 10: Sand-Attack
- Level 14: Headbutt
- Level 19: Slash
- Level 23: Payback
- Level 28: Agility
- Level 34: Iron Tail
- Level 41: Take Down
- Level 47: Iron Defense
- Level 54: Tri Attack
- Level 60: Hyper Beam
- Egg: Scratch, Screech, Roar, Night Slash
The spikes that point upwards on Letal's mask keep their size while the rest of the mask (and the whole Pokémon) evolves into Letaligon. Then they start to grow, and become a way of telling the age of the Letaligon over time. They also tend to bend forward above the eyes, but whether and how much they do varies between individuals.
The large and powerful claws on their paws are also metallic, but made of a different metal than their normal armor - in fact the same that the armor is made of in the shinies.
General Info
- Height: 5'7"
- Weight: 209.4 lbs.
- Classification: Metallic
- Color: White
- Type: Normal/Steel
- Ability: Sturdy
- Gender ratio: 50% male, 50% female
- Breeding group: Ground
- Growth rate: Slow
- Steps to hatch egg: 10240
- Effort points given: +3 Attack
- Base happiness: 35
- Catch rate: 45
Base Stats
- HP: 100
- Attack: 134
- Defense: 115
- Speed: 95
- Special Attack: 65
- Special Defense: 91
- Total: 600
- Level 1: Tackle
- Level 1: Tail Whip
- Level 1: Metal Burst
- Level 1: Iron Head
- Level 5: Hypnosis
- Level 10: Sand-Attack
- Level 14: Headbutt
- Level 19: Slash
- Level 23: Payback
- Level 28: Agility
- Level 34: Iron Tail
- Level 41: Take Down
- Level 47: Iron Defense
- Level 54: Tri Attack
- Level 70: Hyper Beam
- Egg: Scratch, Screech, Roar, Night Slash
The Dragons of Ouen
This is the legendary trio, similar to Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres of Kanto, Raikou, Entei and Suicune of Johto and Regirock, Regice and Registeel of Hoenn. They are dragons, obviously, and hate each other so much that should they ever escape from the prisons in which they are held, they would seek out each other in order to destroy them at whatever cost.

Thunderyu could be called affiliated with the element of Air - it has large wings which it can glide on without flapping them, while its body is small and light in comparison. It brings thunderstorms wherever it goes.
General Info
- Height: 6'5"
- Weight: 200.0 lbs.
- Classification: Thunderstorm Pokémon
- Color: Yellow
- Type: Electric/Dragon
- Ability: Levitate
- Gender ratio: Genderless
- Breeding group: No eggs
- Growth rate: Slow
- Steps to hatch egg: 20480
- Effort points given: +2 Speed, +1 Special Attack
- Base happiness: 35
- Catch rate: 3
Base Stats
- HP: 100
- Attack: 85
- Defense: 75
- Speed: 115
- Special Attack: 115
- Special Defense: 90
- Total: 580
- Level 1: Twister
- Level 1: Thunder Wave
- Level 8: Thundershock
- Level 15: Slam
- Level 22: Thunder Fang
- Level 29: Aerial Ace
- Level 36: Thunderbolt
- Level 43: Dragon Dance
- Level 50: Air Slash
- Level 57: Discharge
- Level 64: Thunderstorm
- Level 71: Thunder
- Level 78: Outrage
Thunderstorm is a move that induces a five-turn weather effect during which Thunder is Swift-accurate, the power of Electric attacks is multiplied by 1.2 and Solarbeam deals half as much damage as normal.

Volcaryu is commonly associated with darkness and evil. It causes volcanoes to erupt. It is said that in the rain, the drops will boil and evaporate before reaching its skin due to its radiating body temperature.
General Info
- Height: 7'7"
- Weight: 532.4 lbs.
- Classification: Eruption Pokémon
- Color: Red
- Type: Fire/Dragon
- Ability: Levitate
- Gender ratio: Genderless
- Breeding group: No eggs
- Growth rate: Slow
- Steps to hatch egg: 20480
- Effort points given: +2 Attack, +1 Special Attack
- Base happiness: 35
- Catch rate: 3
Base Stats
- HP: 100
- Attack: 115
- Defense: 90
- Speed: 75
- Special Attack: 115
- Special Defense: 85
- Total: 580
- Level 1: Dragon Rage
- Level 1: Will-O-Wisp
- Level 8: Ember
- Level 15: Bite
- Level 22: Fire Fang
- Level 29: Dragonbreath
- Level 36: Flamethrower
- Level 43: Crunch
- Level 50: Dragon Rush
- Level 57: Flare Blitz
- Level 64: Eruption
- Level 71: Overheat
- Level 78: Outrage

Polaryu brings snowstorms. It is said that if it touches the surface of a lake even once, it will freeze to the bottom.
General Info
- Height: 6'11"
- Weight: 348.6 lbs.
- Classification: Blizzard Pokémon
- Color: Blue
- Type: Ice/Dragon
- Ability: Levitate
- Gender ratio: Genderless
- Breeding group: No eggs
- Growth rate: Slow
- Steps to hatch egg: 20480
- Effort points given: +2 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense
- Base happiness: 35
- Catch rate: 3
Base Stats
- HP: 85
- Attack: 75
- Defense: 90
- Speed: 100
- Special Attack: 115
- Special Defense: 115
- Total: 580
- Level 1: Powder Snow
- Level 1: Twister
- Level 8: Ice Shard
- Level 15: Hail
- Level 22: Ice Fang
- Level 29: Mist
- Level 36: Ice Beam
- Level 43: Dragon Dance
- Level 50: Avalanche
- Level 57: Dragon Pulse
- Level 64: Blizzard
- Level 71: Sheer Cold
- Level 78: Outrage

Scorplack live in the Black Desert, where they hide in the sand until nightfall when they literally flood out from everywhere. There are so many of them that they form a crowd that can cover half the desert with black. Perhaps the best way to describe them is this passage from chapter thirteen of The Quest for the Legends (version ILCOE):
When a lone Murkrow flew over the desert a short while later, he witnessed a most peculiar sight.
It was as if a stream of jet-black ink started seeping out through the dunes, covering the sand. If he had then lowered his flight, as to see what was going on, he might have noticed that the flood was in fact made of thousands and millions of relatively small creatures, black as night.
Their movements were synchronized like those of a school of fish, yet they were so many that to the Murkrow high above, it seemed like a blanket of shadow had spread out over the sand.
Had the Murkrow landed, it would have been his doom.
Their poison is extremely dangerous and works in such a way that it slows down all bodily functions of the victim gradually until their death. How quickly the poison works depends on both the Scorplack's age and power and the victim's immunity system.
Scientists have debated on whether to consider it a Bug/Poison or Poison/Dark type.
General Info
- Height: 3'1"
- Weight: 21.3 lbs.
- Classification: Scorpion Pokémon
- Color: Black
- Type: Bug/Poison (Poison/Dark)
- Ability: Intimidate
- Gender ratio: 50% male, 50% female
- Breeding group: Bug
- Growth rate: Parabolic
- Steps to hatch egg: 5120
- Effort points given: +1 Attack
- Base happiness: 35
- Catch rate: 200
Base Stats
- HP: 65
- Attack: 100
- Defense: 50
- Speed: 80
- Special Attack: 45
- Special Defense: 65
- Total: 405
- Level 1: Poison Sting
- Level 1: Leer
- Level 7: Vicegrip
- Level 14: Taunt
- Level 21: Faint Attack
- Level 28: Mean Look
- Level 35: Poison Tail
- Level 42: Scary Face
- Level 49: Screech
- Level 56: Poison Jab
- Level 63: Glare
- Level 70: Guillotine
More sometime when I feel like putting them up.
Page last modified May 20 2018 at 20:45 UTC
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
Pages: 1
These are damn cool
[14/11/2024 10:52:12]
kind of cool that you made the Tao trio before they existed
[09/12/2024 23:00:37]
These are awesome. Thunderstorm is avfully specific though. "Thunder has Swift-accuracy"? "Solarbeam deals half damage"? COME ON!
[20/12/2024 10:05:08]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesBoth of those effects are just the same effects that apply for Rain Dance.
[20/12/2024 21:42:38]
Oh. I'm not THAT much into Pokémon, so I hope you understand.
[31/12/2024 15:34:21]
Those sprites in the My Sprites page! Leta! Letal! Letaligon! Mutark! Spirit! Chalenor! Also I'm commenting this here because you cannot comment on the My Sprites page.
[11/01/2025 08:08:53]
Pages: 1
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