FR/LG VS Seeker

FireRed and LeafGreen contain what I find to be the most useful method of rebattling beaten trainers yet. By standing with a few trainers on-screen and using this tool, any trainers who want a rematch will get two exclamation marks over their heads and start jumping up and down or raising their hands to get your attention. Some of them will even level up their Pokémon as you go along in the game, and end up with some quite powerful ones. When the Elite Four are using Pokémon around level 70, it will have become a bit of a pain to train all those level 40-50 Pokémon you've got - unless you know where to find those VS Seeker trainers who level their Pokémon up to around that level. I will list trainers with Pokémon of other level ranges as well, although they will most likely not be as useful. They are sorted primarily by the level of their highest-leveled Pokémon and secondarily by the total experience points they give.

Note that if you battle the trainer and he or she has lower-leveled Pokémon than shown here, don't worry; you just need to battle them again a couple of times and their Pokémon will level up (although I'm fairly sure beating the Elite Four is a necessity for some of the very highest-leveled ones). This shows their final levels. Also note that the experience points could possibly be off by a couple of points if the experience was split between many Pokémon when I battled the trainer, since the game rounds down. I figured it didn't matter enough to battle the trainer again for the exact value, but if you really feel like it and know better, you can of course correct me on some.

The effort points each Pokémon and each trainer in total give are now also in the list. By each Pokémon, they are shorthanded as HP for Hit Points, ATK for Attack, DEF for Defense, SPA for Special Attack, SPD for Special Defense and SPE for Speed. (Be sure not to get SPD confused with Speed.)

Click the word "Location" for a screenshot in which the female (if in Kanto) or male (if in Sevii Islands) main character is facing the trainer in question; I include descriptions of how to get there too, however, and if I have accomplished my goal, those should be clear enough for you to find the trainer even without viewing the screenshot.

Trainer List

Level 1-10

Bug Catcher Greg

Location: Route 3. Exit Pewter City and go up through the gap in the ledges. Then walk right until you come to a girl facing left and a guy facing down; he is the guy facing down.

Pokémon: Weedle lv. 9 (99 EXP, 1 SPE), Kakuna lv. 9 (136 EXP, 2 DEF), Caterpie lv. 9 (102 EXP, 1 HP), Metapod lv. 9 (138 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 475

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 4 Defense, 1 Speed

Reward: 108P

Lass Sally

Location: Route 3. Exit Pewter City and go up through the gap in the ledges. Then walk right until you come to a girl facing left and a guy facing down; she is the girl facing left.

Pokémon: Rattata lv. 10 (121 EXP, 1 SPE), Nidoran female lv. 10 (126 EXP, 1 HP)

Total EXP: 247

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 1 Speed

Reward: 160P

Bug Catcher Cale

Location: Route 24, Nugget Bridge. If you go up from Cerulean City, he's the first trainer on the bridge.

Pokémon: Caterpie lv. 10 (112 EXP, 1 HP), Weedle lv. 10 (111 EXP, 1 SPE), Metapod lv. 10 (153 EXP, 2 DEF), Kakuna lv. 10 (151 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 527

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 4 Defense, 1 Speed

Reward: 120P

Level 11-20

Bug Catcher James

Location: Route 3. Exit Pewter City and go up through the gap in the ledges. Then walk right; James is the one next to the gap in the ledge on the far right where there is a gap in the ledge again.

Pokémon: Caterpie lv. 11 (124 EXP, 1 HP), Metapod lv. 11 (169 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 293

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 2 Defense

Reward: 132P

Lass Ali

Location: Route 24, Nugget Bridge. If you go up from Cerulean City, she's the second trainer on the bridge.

Pokémon: Pidgey lv. 12 (141 EXP, 1 SPE), Oddish lv. 12 (199 EXP, 1 SPA), Bellsprout lv. 12 (216 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 556

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Special Attack, 1 Speed

Reward: 192P

Lass Haley

Location: Route 25. Go up Nugget Bridge from Cerulean City and then go right; she stands near the left end of the fence near Bill's house.

Pokémon: Oddish lv. 13 (216 EXP, 1 SPA), Pidgey lv. 13 (153 EXP, 1 SPE), Oddish lv. 13 (216 EXP, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 585

Total Effort Points: 2 Special Attack, 1 Speed

Reward: 208P

Hiker Nob

Location: Route 25. Go up Nugget Bridge from Cerulean City and then go right; he stands at the bottom at one point between a Camper and a Picnicker, facing upwards.

Pokémon: Geodude lv. 13 (238 EXP, 1 DEF), Geodude lv. 13 (238 EXP, 1 DEF), Machop lv. 13 (244 EXP, 1 ATK), Geodude lv. 13 (238 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 958

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 3 Defense

Reward: 468P

Youngster Calvin

Location: Route 3. Exit Pewter City and go up through the gap in the ledges. Then walk right until you come to another ledge you can jump down. Do so and he is there.

Pokémon: Spearow lv. 14 (174 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 174

Total Effort Points: 1 Speed

Reward: 224P

Lass Robin

Location: Route 3. Exit Pewter City and go up through the gap in the ledges. Then walk right, go down when you reach a wall and she is in the grass there.

Pokémon: Jigglypuff lv. 14 (228 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 228

Total Effort Points: 2 HP

Reward: 224P

Camper Shane

Location: Route 24. Head up Nugget Bridge from Cerulean City and then go left; he is hiding in the grass.

Pokémon: Rattata lv. 14 (171 EXP, 1 SPE), Ekans lv. 14 (186 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 357

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Speed

Reward: 280P

Camper Flint

Location: Route 25. Go up Nugget Bridge from Cerulean City and then go right; he stands near a Cuttable bush near the top of the path and faces downwards.

Pokémon: Rattata lv. 14 (171 EXP, 1 SPE), Ekans lv. 14 (186 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 357

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Speed

Reward: 280P

Youngster Joey

Location: Route 25. Go up Nugget Bridge from Cerulean City and then go right; he is by the rock wall at the top just after you enter the little bush maze.

Pokémon: Rattata lv. 15 (183 EXP, 1 SPE), Spearow lv. 15 (186 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 369

Total Effort Points: 2 Speed

Reward: 240P

Picnicker Nancy

Location: Route 6. Exit Saffron City at the south gatehouse, follow the road around the tall grass down and then go right to where a Camper and a Picnicker are standing, facing one another. Nancy is the Picnicker, who is on the right.

Pokémon: Rattata lv. 16 (195 EXP, 1 SPE), Pikachu lv. 16 (280 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 475

Total Effort Points: 3 Speed

Reward: 320P

Bug Catcher Keigo

Location: Route 6. Exit Saffron City at the south gatehouse, follow the road around the tall grass down and he is the first trainer on the way, standing in the grass a little off to the side.

Pokémon: Weedle lv. 16 (177 EXP, 1 SPE), Caterpie lv. 16 (181 EXP, 1 HP), Weedle lv. 16 (177 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 535

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 2 Speed

Reward: 192P

Youngster "Mew-Inducing Slowpoke" Dan

Location: Route 25. Go up Nugget Bridge from Cerulean City and then go right; he is the second Youngster you encounter when you go right along the little bush maze.

Pokémon: Slowpoke lv. 17 (360 EXP, 1 HP)

Total EXP: 360

Total Effort Points: 1 HP

Reward: 272P

Gamer Hugo

Location: Route 11. Walk down as soon as you enter the open area with the grass, road and trainers, and he is right there.

Pokémon: Poliwag lv. 18 (297 EXP, 1 SPE), Horsea lv. 18 (319 EXP, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 616

Total Effort Points: 1 Special Attack, 1 Speed

Reward: 1296P

Gamer Jasper

Location: Route 11. Walk down as soon as you enter the open area with the grass, road and trainers, and then walk right on the road until you come to an old man standing where the road splits in a T. This is Jasper.

Pokémon: Bellsprout lv. 18 (324 EXP, 1 ATK), Oddish lv. 18 (300 EXP, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 624

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Special Attack

Reward: 1296P

Youngster Dave

Location: Route 11. Head straight right out of Vermilion City, past the first Youngster you see. Dave is running around in the grass below.

Pokémon: Nidoran male lv. 18 (231 EXP, 1 ATK), Nidorino lv. 18 (454 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 685

Total Effort Points: 3 Attack

Reward: 288P

Gamer Dirk

Location: Route 11. He's standing in the bottom right corner of the route.

Pokémon: Voltorb lv. 18 (396 EXP, 1 SPE), Magnemite lv. 18 (342 EXP, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 738

Total Effort Points: 1 Special Attack, 1 Speed

Reward: 1296P

Youngster Dillon

Location: Route 11. Head straight right out of Vermilion City and follow the road right. After passing two Youngsters, one of which is running in the grass below, you will come to a third Youngster standing where the road splits in a T. This is Dillon.

Pokémon: Sandshrew lv. 19 (378 EXP, 1 DEF), Zubat lv. 19 (219 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 597

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense, 1 Speed

Reward: 304P

Camper Drew

Location: Route 9. Go to Cerulean City, through the Dig man's house and out to the right. Cut the tree and head on right until you come to a Picnicker and a ledge; jump down the ledge and continue straight rightwards until you can't go on any further and there is a one-tile path upwards. Go up there, head left past the Bug Catcher and you'll find Drew at the far left wall near the entrance to a small patch of grass.

Pokémon: Rattata lv. 19 (231 EXP, 1 SPE), Sandshrew lv. 19 (378 EXP, 1 DEF), Ekans lv. 19 (252 EXP, 1 ATK), Sandshrew lv. 19 (378 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 1239

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 2 Defense, 1 Speed

Reward: 380P

Bug Catcher Brent

Location: Route 9. Go to Cerulean City, through the Dig man's house and out to the right. Cut the tree and head on right until you come to a Picnicker and a ledge; jump down the ledge and continue rightwards. When you come to a spot where you can go up, do so and then go left to where a Camper is standing near a sign. Go up, and Brent should be there facing downwards.

Pokémon: Beedrill lv. 19 (646 EXP, 2 ATK, 1 SPD), Beedrill lv. 19 (646 EXP, 2 ATK, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 1292

Total Effort Points: 4 Attack, 2 Special Defense

Reward: 228P

Picnicker Heidi

Location: Route 10. Fly to the Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center and walk down past the line of alternating bushes and Cuttable trees. She is standing near the bottom, facing down.

Pokémon: Pikachu lv. 20 (351 EXP, 2 SPE), Clefairy lv. 20 (291 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 642

Total Effort Points: 2 HP, 2 Speed

Reward: 400P

Bug Catcher Elijah

Location: Route 6. Go up out of Vermilion City and follow the road a little bit; he will be in the grass on the right side facing the road.

Pokémon: Butterfree lv. 20 (685 EXP, 2 SPA, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 685

Total Effort Points: 2 Special Attack, 1 Special Defense

Reward: 240P

Bug Catcher Conner

Location: Route 9. Go to Cerulean City, through the Dig man's house and out to the right. Cut the tree and head on right until you come to a Picnicker and a ledge; jump down the ledge and continue straight rightwards until you can't go on any further and there is a one-tile path upwards. Go up there and you will find him.

Pokémon: Caterpie lv. 20 (226 EXP, 1 HP), Weedle lv. 20 (222 EXP, 1 SPE), Venonat lv. 20 (321 EXP, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 769

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 1 Special Defense, 1 Speed

Reward: 240P

Hiker Brice

Location: Route 9. Go to Cerulean City, through the Dig man's house and out to the right. Cut the tree and head on right until you come to a Picnicker and a ledge; jump down the ledge and continue straight rightwards until you can't go on any further and there is a one-tile path upwards. Go up there, head up past the Bug Catcher and you'll find Brice standing there.

Pokémon: Geodude lv. 20 (367 EXP, 1 DEF), Machop lv. 20 (376 EXP, 1 ATK), Geodude lv. 20 (367 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 1110

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 2 Defense

Reward: 720P

Super Nerd Aidan

Location: Route 8. Exit Saffron City at the right exit and he is behind the fence just above the exit of the gatehouse.

Pokémon: Voltorb lv. 20 (441 EXP, 1 SPE), Voltorb lv. 20 (441 EXP, 1 SPE), Magnemite lv. 20 (381 EXP, 1 SPA), Koffing lv. 20 (487 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 1750

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense, 1 Special Attack, 2 Speed

Reward: 480P

Level 21-30

Youngster Eddie

Location: Route 11. Head straight right out of Vermilion City and he's the first trainer you come across.

Pokémon: Ekans lv. 21 (279 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 279

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack

Reward: 336P

Engineer Braxton

Location: Route 11. Head straight right out of Vermilion City and follow the road rightwards. It will require you to go a little out of the way straight right in order to keep you out of the grass, so first you will have to go a couple of tiles down, then up, then down again and then up again, but all the while you should be going right again as soon as you can. After you have gone up for the last time, you should see a bald man in a white shirt to your right, and this is Braxton.

Pokémon: Magnemite lv. 21 (400 EXP, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 400

Total Effort Points: 1 Special Attack

Reward: 1008P

Picnicker Carol

Location: Route 10 after Rock Tunnel. From Lavender Town, go upwards through a small gap in a ledge and then continue upwards through the passage on the right. When you come to a sign, turn left towards the Rock Tunnel entrance. She is the Picnicker standing outside it.

Pokémon: Pidgey lv. 21 (246 EXP, 1 SPE), Pidgeotto lv. 21 (508 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 754

Total Effort Points: 3 Speed

Reward: 420P

Hiker Alan

Location: Route 9. Go to Cerulean City, through the Dig man's house and out to the right. Cut the tree and head on right until you come to a Picnicker and a ledge; jump down the ledge. Head on rightwards until you reach a wall, then jump down off the ledge and continue right there. Eventually you will meet Alan, who is facing downwards near the end of this dead end.

Pokémon: Geodude lv. 21 (387 EXP, 1 DEF), Onix lv. 21 (486 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 873

Total Effort Points: 2 Defense

Reward: 756P

Hiker Clark

Location: Route 10 after Rock Tunnel. From Lavender Town, go upwards through a small gap in a ledge and then continue upwards through the passage on the right. When you come to a sign, turn left towards the Rock Tunnel entrance. He is the Hiker standing below and to the left of the Picnicker.

Pokémon: Geodude lv. 21 (387 EXP, 1 DEF), Onix lv. 21 (486 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 873

Total Effort Points: 2 Defense

Reward: 756P

Lass Julia

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and she is the first trainer you'll see when you follow the road down, standing just by the tres and facing left.

Pokémon: Clefairy lv. 22 (319 EXP, 2 HP), Clefairy lv. 22 (319 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 638

Total Effort Points: 4 HP

Reward: 352P

Gamer "Relocated Glitch-Inducer" Stan

Location: Route 8. Exit Saffron City at the right exit and he is hiding to the right of the Underground building he used to be so famous for standing in front of and inducing the first step of the Mew Trick.

Pokémon: Poliwag lv. 22 (363 EXP, 1 SPE), Poliwag lv. 22 (363 EXP, 1 SPE), Poliwhirl lv. 22 (616 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 1342

Total Effort Points: 4 Speed

Reward: 1584P

Fisherman Ned

Location: Route 12; it's very straightforward and you can't really miss any of the trainers on it. He is the first trainer you encounter when you go from Lavender Town.

Pokémon: Goldeen lv. 22 (522 EXP, 1 ATK), Poliwag lv. 22 (363 EXP, 1 SPE), Goldeen lv. 22 (522 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 1407

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 1 Speed

Reward: 792P

Picnicker Caitlin

Location: Route 9, but she is really easiest to reach if you just fly to the Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center, walk up Route 10 and then head left. She's the only trainer you'll meet without jumping any ledges.

Pokémon: Meowth lv. 23 (339 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 339

Total Effort Points: 1 Speed

Reward: 460P

Lass Paige

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down, left, up again and then left again until you come to a cluster of four trainers standing together. She is the topmost one.

Pokémon: Nidoran female lv. 23 (289 EXP, 1 HP), Nidorina lv. 23 (576 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 865

Total Effort Points: 3 HP

Reward: 368P

Biker Ricardo

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down, left, up, left again and then down. He is not the biker you see there, but the one cycling around a few tiles left of him.

Pokémon: Koffing lv. 22 (537 EXP, 1 DEF), Koffing lv. 22 (537 EXP, 1 DEF), Grimer lv. 23 (442 EXP, 1 HP)

Total EXP: 1516

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 2 Defense

Reward: 460P

Fisherman Andrew

Location: Route 12; it's very straightforward and you can't really miss any of the trainers on it. If you go down from where Route 12 joins with Route 11 (where Snorlax used to be), he is the third person you'll see on the way (first fisherman).

Pokémon: Magikarp lv. 24 (102 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 24 (102 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 204

Total Effort Points: 2 Speed

Reward: 864P

Lass Andrea

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down, left, up again and then left again until you come to a cluster of four trainers standing together. She is the third one from the top.

Pokémon: Meowth lv. 24 (354 EXP, 1 SPE), Meowth lv. 24 (354 EXP, 1 SPE), Meowth lv. 24 (354 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1062

Total Effort Points: 3 Speed

Reward: 384P

Fisherman Chip

Location: Route 12; it's very straightforward and you can't really miss any of the trainers on it. He is the second trainer you encounter when you go from Lavender Town.

Pokémon: Tentacool lv. 24 (540 EXP, 1 SPD), Goldeen lv. 24 (570 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 1110

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Special Defense

Reward: 864P

Hiker Franklin

Location: Route 25. Go up Nugget Bridge from Cerulean City and then go right; he is the leftmost trainer of the bunch you encounter in the little bush maze.

Pokémon: Machoke lv. 25 (781 EXP, 2 ATK), Graveler lv. 25 (717 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 1498

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 2 Defense

Reward: 900P

Bird Keeper Perry

Location: Route 13, the "maze". He is situated right at the top of it somewhere in the middle, facing right and blocking one passage of the maze.

Pokémon: Spearow lv. 25 (310 EXP, 1 SPE), Pidgey lv. 25 (294 EXP, 1 SPE), Pidgey lv. 25 (294 EXP, 1 SPE), Spearow lv. 25 (310 EXP, 1 SPE), Spearow lv. 25 (310 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1518

Total Effort Points: 5 Speed

Reward: 600P

Biker Ernest

Location: Route 15, eighth trainer you see below the ledge after you come out of the gatehouse from Fuchsia City and head right.

Pokémon: Koffing lv. 25 (610 EXP, 1 DEF), Koffing lv. 25 (610 EXP, 1 DEF), Weezing lv. 25 (925 EXP, 2 DEF), Koffing lv. 25 (610 EXP, 1 DEF), Grimer lv. 25 (481 EXP, 1 HP)

Total EXP: 3236

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 5 Defense

Reward: 500P

Biker William

Location: The lower part of Cycling Road (Route 17). Near the bottom of Cycling Road (before the slope ends), it narrows a little into two clean lanes on which there are no trainers. Just above where it narrows, William is cycling around below a "lake". On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Koffing lv. 25 (610 EXP, 1 DEF), Weezing lv. 25 (925 EXP, 2 DEF), Koffing lv. 25 (610 EXP, 1 DEF), Koffing lv. 25 (610 EXP, 1 DEF), Weezing lv. 25 (925 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 3680

Total Effort Points: 7 Defense

Reward: 500P

Super Nerd Leslie

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down, left, up again and then left again until you come to a cluster of four trainers standing together. He is the second one from the top.

Pokémon: Koffing lv. 26 (634 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 634

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense

Reward: 624P

Bird Keeper Mitch

Location: Route 14, the "maze". If you enter the maze from Route 14, go left as soon as you get inside the first fence and then up there, which is where Mitch is located.

Pokémon: Pidgey lv. 26 (306 EXP, 1 SPE), Spearow lv. 26 (322 EXP, 1 SPE), Pidgey lv. 26 (306 EXP, 1 SPE), Fearow lv. 26 (901 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1835

Total Effort Points: 4 Speed

Reward: 624P

Bird Keeper Edwin

Location: Route 15, second trainer you see below the ledge after you come out of the gatehouse from Fuchsia City and head right.

Pokémon: Pidgeotto lv. 26 (628 EXP, 2 SPE), Farfetch'd lv. 26 (523 EXP, 1 ATK), Doduo lv. 26 (534 EXP, 1 ATK), Pidgey lv. 26 (306 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1991

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 3 Speed

Reward: 624 EXP

Cue Ball Jamal

Location: Cycling Road (Route 17). Go down from Celadon and let yourself go down on the leftmost lane. Jamal is waiting by the fence on its left side, facing the road. On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Mankey lv. 26 (411 EXP, 1 ATK), Mankey lv. 26 (411 EXP, 1 ATK), Machamp lv. 26 (1074 EXP, 3 ATK), Machop lv. 26 (489 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 2385

Total Effort Points: 6 Attack

Reward: 624P

Fisherman Hank

Location: Route 12; it's very straightforward and you can't really miss any of the trainers on it. He is the third trainer you encounter when you go from Lavender Town.

Pokémon: Goldeen lv. 27 (642 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 642

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack

Reward: 972P

Beauty Lola

Location: Route 13, the "maze". If you enter the maze from Silence Bridge, the first trainers in the maze you'll see are two Beauties standing side by side; Lola is on the right.

Pokémon: Rattata lv. 27 (328 EXP, 1 SPE), Pikachu lv. 27 (474 EXP, 2 SPE), Rattata lv. 27 (328 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1130

Total Effort Points: 4 Speed

Reward: 1944P

Picnicker Gwen

Location: Route 13, the "maze". If you enter the maze from Silence Bridge, just walk left and she is the second Picnicker you see.

Pokémon: Pidgey lv. 27 (318 EXP, 1 SPE), Meowth lv. 27 (399 EXP, 1 SPE), Pidgey lv. 27 (318 EXP, 1 SPE), Pidgeotto lv. 27 (652 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 1687

Total Effort Points: 5 Speed

Reward: 540P

Swimmer Male Douglas

Location: Sea Route 19, below the Fuchsia beach. He is the third trainer from the top when you Surf down.

Pokémon: Horsea lv. 27 (480 EXP, 1 SPA), Tentacool lv. 27 (607 EXP, 1 SPD), Tentacool lv. 27 (607 EXP, 1 SPD), Goldeen lv. 27 (642 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 2336

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Special Attack, 2 Special Defense

Reward: 108P

Swimmer Female Anya

Location: Sea Route 19, below the Fuchsia beach. If you Surf down from Fuchsia, you'll come to a cluster of four people floating around close to one another just as the route bends to the left; she is the girl on the left.

Pokémon: Poliwag lv. 27 (445 EXP, 1 SPE), Goldeen lv. 27 (642 EXP, 1 ATK), Seaking lv. 27 (982 EXP, 2 ATK), Goldeen lv. 27 (642 EXP, 1 ATK), Poliwag lv. 27 (445 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 3156

Total Effort Points: 4 Attack, 2 Speed

Reward: 108P

Swimmer Male Axle

Location: Sea Route 19, below the Fuchsia beach. If you Surf down from Fuchsia, you'll come to a cluster of four people floating around close to one another just as the route bends to the left; he is the top one, the only guy in the group.

Pokémon: Tentacool lv. 27 (607 EXP, 1 SPD), Tentacool lv. 27 (607 EXP, 1 SPD), Staryu lv. 27 (612 EXP, 1 SPE), Horsea lv. 27 (480 EXP, 1 SPA), Tentacruel lv. 27 (1185 EXP, 2 SPD)

Total EXP: 3491

Total Effort Points: 1 Special Attack, 4 Special Defense, 1 Speed

Reward: 108P

Twins "First 2-on-2" Eli & Anne

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down, left, up again and then left again. They're standing together just above the road.

Pokémon: Clefairy lv. 28 (408 EXP, 2 HP), Jigglypuff lv. 28 (456 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 864

Total Effort Points: 4 HP

Reward: 672P

Lass Janice

Location: Route 3, directly to the right after exiting Pewter City.

Pokémon: Pidgeotto lv. 28 (678 EXP, 2 SPE), Pidgeotto lv. 28 (678 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 1356

Total Effort Points: 4 Speed

Reward: 448P

Lass Reli

Location: Route 24, Nugget Bridge. If you go up from Cerulean City, she's the fourth trainer on the bridge.

Pokémon: Pidgeotto lv. 28 (678 EXP, 2 SPE), Nidorina lv. 28 (702 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 1380

Total Effort Points: 2 HP, 2 Speed

Reward: 448P

Cue Ball Koji

Location: The very top of Cycling Road (Route 16). There are six trainers on bikes there; he is the rightmost one in the lower row.

Pokémon: Machop lv. 28 (528 EXP, 1 ATK), Mankey lv. 28 (444 EXP, 1 ATK), Machop lv. 28 (528 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 1500

Total Effort Points: 3 Attack

Reward: 672P

Bird Keeper Carter

Location: Route 14, the "maze". If you enter the maze from Route 14, just go the quickest way upwards - Carter is in the top left corner of the maze.

Pokémon: Pidgey lv. 28 (330 EXP, 1 SPE), Doduo lv. 28 (576 EXP, 1 ATK), Pidgeotto lv. 28 (678 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 1584

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 3 Speed

Reward: 672P

Picnicker Alma

Location: The Silence Bridge part of Route 13. If you go down from Route 12, she will be the first trainer you meet after entering route 13.

Pokémon: Goldeen lv. 28 (666 EXP, 1 ATK), Poliwag lv. 28 (462 EXP, 1 SPE), Horsea lv. 28 (498 EXP, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 1626

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Special Attack, 1 Speed

Reward: 560P

Picnicker Kindra

Location: Route 15, fourth trainer you see below the ledge after you come out of the gatehouse from Fuchsia City and head right.

Pokémon: Gloom lv. 28 (792 EXP, 2 SPA), Oddish lv. 28 (468 EXP, 1 SPA), Oddish lv. 28 (468 EXP, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 1728

Total Effort Points: 4 Special Attack

Reward: 560P

Biker Isaac

Location: Roughly in the middle of Route 14. It is easiest to get to him by coming from Fuchsia, running right along Route 15 and turning up when you see a second road starting a little above yours. Near where there is a Cuttable tree between the big trees, there will be a group of Bikers, three static and one cycling up and down; Isaac is the top one of the static ones.

Pokémon: Grimer lv. 28 (540 EXP, 1 HP), Grimer lv. 28 (540 EXP, 1 HP), Koffing lv. 28 (684 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 1764

Total Effort Points: 2 HP, 1 Defense

Reward: 560P

Biker Jared

Location: Route 13, the "maze". He is pretty easy to see; at one part where the pass splits in a T, he stands right in the middle on his bike and turns around. You can't miss him.

Pokémon: Koffing lv. 28 (684 EXP, 1 DEF), Koffing lv. 28 (684 EXP, 1 DEF), Koffing lv. 28 (684 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 2052

Total Effort Points: 3 Defense

Reward: 560P

Biker Alex

Location: Route 15, seventh trainer you see below the ledge after you come out of the gatehouse from Fuchsia City and head right.

Pokémon: Koffing lv. 28 (684 EXP, 1 DEF), Grimer lv. 28 (540 EXP, 1 HP), Weezing lv. 28 (1038 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 2262

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 3 Defense

Reward: 560P

Biker Virgil

Location: The upper part of Cycling Road (Route 17). He is cycling up and down on the leftmost lane near Celadon City. On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Weezing lv. 28 (1038 EXP, 2 DEF), Koffing lv. 28 (684 EXP, 1 DEF), Weezing lv. 28 (1038 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 2760

Total Effort Points: 5 Defense

Reward: 560P

Super Nerd Glenn

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down, left and then up again. He is the scientisty guy standing where the road bends back left.

Pokémon: Muk lv. 28 (942 EXP, 1 HP, 1 ATK), Muk lv. 28 (942 EXP, 1 HP, 1 ATK), Muk lv. 28 (942 EXP, 1 HP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 2826

Total Effort Points: 3 HP, 3 Attack

Reward: 672P

Engineer Bernie

Location: Route 11. Walk down as soon as you enter the open area with the grass, road and trainers, and then walk right on the road until you come to a bald man in a white shirt. This is Bernie.

Pokémon: Magneton lv. 28 (966 EXP, 2 SPA), Magneton lv. 28 (966 EXP, 2 SPA), Magneton lv. 28 (966 EXP, 2 SPA)

Total EXP: 2898

Total Effort Points: 6 Special Attack

Reward: 1344P

Fisherman Ronald

Location: Route 21, below Pallet Town. If you Surf down the route, you will soon come to two sand islands with Fishermen standing on them; he is the one on the left island.

Pokémon: Seaking lv. 28 (1020 EXP, 2 ATK), Goldeen lv. 28 (666 EXP, 1 ATK), Seaking lv. 28 (1020 EXP, 2 ATK), Seaking lv. 28 (1020 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 3726

Total Effort Points: 7 Attack

Reward: 1008P

Fisherman Elliot

Location: Route 12; it's very straightforward and you can't really miss any of the trainers on it. He is the fourth trainer you encounter when you go from Lavender Town.

Pokémon: Poliwhirl lv. 28 (786 EXP, 2 SPE), Cloyster lv. 28 (1218 EXP, 2 DEF), Seaking lv. 28 (1020 EXP, 2 ATK), Seadra lv. 28 (930 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 3954

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 3 Defense, 1 Special Attack, 2 Speed

Reward: 1008P

Twins Kiri & Jan

Location: Route 14 near the bottom, easily reached just by going straight right from Fuchsia through Route 15. Since they're twins, they're easy to find.

Pokémon: Charmander lv. 29 (402 EXP, 1 SPE), Squirtle lv. 29 (408 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 810

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense, 1 Speed

Reward: 696P

Gamer Darian

Location: Route 11. As soon as you get into the open area with the grass, road and trainers, go all the way up; then run rightwards (you'll have to go through a four-tile-wide patch of grass and then get back on the road) until you come to a dead end in the road where an old man is standing. Darian is the old man.

Pokémon: Growlithe lv. 29 (565 EXP, 1 ATK), Vulpix lv. 29 (391 EXP, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 956

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Special Defense

Reward: 2088P

Cue Ball Luke

Location: The very top of Cycling Road (Route 16). There are six trainers on bikes there; he is the middle one in the upper row.

Pokémon: Mankey lv. 29 (459 EXP, 1 ATK), Machop lv. 29 (546 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 1005

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack

Reward: 696P

Bird Keeper Sebastian

Location: The Silence Bridge part of Route 13. If you go down from Route 12, he will be the second trainer you meet after entering route 13.

Pokémon: Pidgey lv. 29 (340 EXP, 1 SPE), Pidgeotto lv. 29 (702 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 1042

Total Effort Points: 3 Speed

Reward: 696P

Camper Justin

Location: Route 12; it's very straightforward and you can't really miss any of the trainers on it. If you go down from where Route 12 joins with Route 11 (where Snorlax used to be), you'll come across the Fishing Guru's house and a running Rocker; soon after that you'll see a trainer behind a Cuttable bush, and this is Justin.

Pokémon: Nidoran male lv. 29 (372 EXP, 1 ATK), Nidorino lv. 29 (732 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 1104

Total Effort Points: 3 Attack

Reward: 580P

Biker Malik

Location: Roughly in the middle of Route 14. It is easiest to get to him by coming from Fuchsia, running right along Route 15 and turning up when you see a second road starting a little above yours. Near where there is a Cuttable tree between the big trees, there will be a group of Bikers, three static and one cycling up and down; Malik is the middle one of the static ones.

Pokémon: Koffing lv. 29 (708 EXP, 1 DEF), Grimer lv. 29 (558 EXP, 1 HP)

Total EXP: 1266

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 1 Defense

Reward: 580P

Biker Lao

Location: The very top of Cycling Road (Route 16). There are six trainers on bikes there; he is the rightmost one in the upper row.

Pokémon: Grimer lv. 29 (558 EXP, 1 HP), Koffing lv. 29 (708 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 1266

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 1 Defense

Reward: 580P

Beauty Olivia

Location: Route 15, fifth trainer you see below the ledge after you come out of the gatehouse from Fuchsia City and head right.

Pokémon: Bulbasaur lv. 29 (397 EXP, 1 SPA), Ivysaur lv. 29 (876 EXP, 1 SPA, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 1273

Total Effort Points: 2 Special Attack, 1 Special Defense

Reward: 2088P

Biker Nikolas

Location: The upper part of Cycling Road (Route 17). Go down from Celadon and let yourself go downon the rightmost lane once it starts after the grass patch; Nikolas should be cycling around in the middle of that lane. On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Voltorb lv. 29 (639 EXP, 1 SPE), Voltorb lv. 29 (639 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1278

Total Effort Points: 2 Speed

Reward: 580P

Bird Keeper Wilton

Location: Route 18, between Cycling Road and Fuchsia City, in a little pocket of grass just below the gatehouse to Cycling Road. He is in the top left corner.

Pokémon: Spearow lv. 29 (360 EXP, 1 SPE), Fearow lv. 29 (1006 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1366

Total Effort Points: 2 Speed

Reward: 696P

Cue Ball Raul

Location: The upper part of Cycling Road (Route 17). He is cycling around under the grass patch near the top right part of the route. On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Mankey lv. 29 (459 EXP, 1 ATK), Primeape lv. 29 (925 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 1384

Total Effort Points: 3 Attack

Reward: 696P

Biker Gerald

Location: Roughly in the middle of Route 14. It is easiest to get to him by coming from Fuchsia, running right along Route 15 and turning up when you see a second road starting a little above yours. Near where there is a Cuttable tree between the big trees, there will be a group of Bikers, three static and one cycling up and down; Gerald is the bottommost one of the static ones.

Pokémon: Koffing lv. 29 (708 EXP, 1 DEF), Muk lv. 29 (975 EXP, 1 HP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 1683

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 1 Attack, 1 Defense

Reward: 580P

Bird Keeper Beck

Location: Route 14, just outside the "maze". There are two Bird Keepers just outside it, but he is the one on the left.

Pokémon: Pidgeotto lv. 29 (702 EXP, 2 SPE), Fearow lv. 29 (1006 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1708

Total Effort Points: 3 Speed

Reward: 696P

Swimmer Male Reece

Location: Route 19, just below the Fuchsia City Pokémon Center. There are two Swimmers standing on the beach; he is the bottom right one.

Pokémon: Goldeen lv. 29 (688 EXP, 1 ATK), Horsea lv. 29 (514 EXP, 1 SPA), Staryu lv. 29 (658 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1860

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Special Attack, 1 Speed

Reward: 116P

Swimmer Female Connie

Location: Sea Route 19, below the Fuchsia beach. If you Surf down from Fuchsia, you'll come to a cluster of four people floating around close to one another just as the route bends to the left; she is the bottom middle girl.

Pokémon: Staryu lv. 29 (658 EXP, 1 SPE), Staryu lv. 29 (658 EXP, 1 SPE), Staryu lv. 29 (658 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1974

Total Effort Points: 3 Speed

Reward: 116P

Picnicker Yazmin

Location: Route 15, first trainer you see after you come out of the gatehouse from Fuchsia City.

Pokémon: Bellsprout lv. 29 (522 EXP, 1 ATK), Oddish lv. 29 (484 EXP, 1 SPA), Tangela lv. 29 (1030 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 2036

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Defense, 1 Special Attack

Reward: 580P

Swimmer Male David

Location: Sea Route 19, below the Fuchsia beach. He is the second trainer from the top when you Surf down.

Pokémon: Goldeen lv. 29 (688 EXP, 1 ATK), Shellder lv. 29 (601 EXP, 1 DEF), Seaking lv. 29 (1056 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 2345

Total Effort Points: 3 Attack, 1 Defense

Reward: 116P

Gamer "My Line Doesn't Rhyme Anymore" Rich

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down and then left. He is the old man facing downwards.

Pokémon: Growlithe lv. 30 (585 EXP, 1 ATK), Vulpix lv. 30 (405 EXP, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 990

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 1 Special Defense

Reward: 2160P

Picnicker Valerie

Location: Route 13, the "maze". If you enter the maze from Silence Bridge, just walk straight left and she will be the first Picnicker you come across.

Pokémon: Poliwag lv. 30 (495 EXP, 1 SPE), Poliwag lv. 30 (495 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 990

Total Effort Points: 2 Speed

Reward: 600P

Swimmer Male Richard

Location: Route 19, just below the Fuchsia City Pokémon Center. There are two Swimmers standing on the beach; he is the top left one.

Pokémon: Tentacool lv. 30 (675 EXP, 1 SPD), Shellder lv. 30 (622 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 1297

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense

Reward: 120P

Hiker Jeremy

Location: Route 9. Go to Cerulean City, through the Dig man's house and out to the right. Cut the tree and head on right until you come to a Picnicker and a ledge; jump down the ledge and below another one you will find Jeremy.

Pokémon: Machoke lv. 30 (937 EXP, 2 ATK), Onix lv. 28 (648 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 1585

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 1 Defense

Reward: 1008P

Sis and Bro Lia & Luc

Location: Sea Route 19, below the Fuchsia beach. After Surfing down past four Swimmers, they are floating side-by-side a little to the left.

Pokémon: Goldeen lv. 30 (710 EXP, 1 ATK), Seaking lv. 30 (1092 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 1802

Total Effort Points: 3 Attack

Reward: 240P

Picnicker Irene

Location: Technically Sea Route 20, but she is really swimming just by the entrance to the Seafoam Island accessible from Cinnabar (which is technically the one closer to Fuchsia). Just Surf from Cinnabar, get onto the island and she is standing just by the entrance.

Pokémon: Tentacool lv. 30 (675 EXP, 1 SPD), Horsea lv. 30 (532 EXP, 1 SPA), Seel lv. 30 (642 EXP, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 1849

Total Effort Points: 1 Special Attack, 2 Special Defense

Reward: 600P

Biker Jaren

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down, left, up, left again and then down. You should see him cycling around there - he is the first of two Bikers on that road.

Pokémon: Muk lv. 28 (942 EXP, 1 HP, 1 ATK), Muk lv. 30 (1008 EXP, 1 HP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 1950

Total Effort Points: 2 HP, 2 Attack

Reward: 600P

Swimmer Female Shirley

Location: Sea Route 20, between Fuchsia and Seafoam Islands. She is still but turning around in the vertical middle of the route, but the best way to describe her location is that she is the trainer closest to Seafoam.

Pokémon: Seadra lv. 30 (996 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA), Horsea lv. 30 (532 EXP, 1 SPA), Seadra lv. 30 (996 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 2524

Total Effort Points: 2 Defense, 3 Special Attack

Reward: 120P

Swimmer Female Nora

Location: Route 20, between Cinnabar Island and Seafoam Islands. She is floating near the top of the route pretty close to Seafoam.

Pokémon: Shellder lv. 30 (622 EXP, 1 DEF), Shellder lv. 30 (622 EXP, 1 DEF), Cloyster lv. 30 (1305 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 2549

Total Effort Points: 4 Defense

Reward: 120P

Bird Keeper Roger

Location: Route 20, between Cinnabar Island and Seafoam Islands. He is on a sand island near Seafoam.

Pokémon: Fearow lv. 30 (1041 EXP, 1 SPE), Fearow lv. 30 (1041 EXP, 1 SPE), Pidgeotto lv. 30 (726 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 2808

Total Effort Points: 4 Speed

Reward: 720P

Level 31-40

Hiker Trent

Location: Route 10 after Rock Tunnel. From Lavender Town, go upwards through a small gap in a ledge and then go left. He will be standing there facing left.

Pokémon: Onix lv. 31 (717 EXP, 1 DEF), Graveler lv. 31 (889 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 1606

Total Effort Points: 3 Defense

Reward: 1116P

Lass Crissy

Location: Route 4. Surf down from Route 24 (where you would go if you were going to Cerulean Cave), but instead of entering the cave when you reach land, keep going leftward. She is standing there facing right. She is one of the best hidden trainers in the game; you can go through the entire game without ever noticing that she exists.

Pokémon: Paras lv. 31 (464 EXP, 1 ATK), Paras lv. 31 (464 EXP, 1 ATK), Parasect lv. 31 (848 EXP, 2 ATK, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 1776

Total Effort Points: 4 Attack, 1 Defense

Reward: 496P

Swimmer Male Barry

Location: Sea Route 20, between Fuchsia and Seafoam Islands. He is swimming around near the top of the route.

Pokémon: Shellder lv. 31 (643 EXP, 1 DEF), Cloyster lv. 31 (1348 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 1991

Total Effort Points: 3 Defense

Reward: 124P

Fisherman Claude

Location: Route 21, below Pallet Town. On your way down the route, you will see plenty of Fishermen on small sand islands; he is the third such Fisherman you'll encounter if you go down from Pallet Town.

Pokémon: Shellder lv. 31 (644 EXP, 1 DEF), Cloyster lv. 31 (1348 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 1992

Total Effort Points: 3 Defense

Reward: 1116P

Swimmer Male Roland

Location: Route 21, above Cinnabar Island. If you Surf up from Cinnabar, he is the second trainer you'll find.

Pokémon: Poliwhirl lv. 32 (897 EXP, 2 SPE), Tentacool lv. 32 (720 EXP, 1 SPD), Seadra lv. 32 (1062 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 2679

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense, 1 Special Attack, 1 Special Defense, 2 Speed

Reward: 128P

Picnicker Celia

Location: Route 15 above the ledge. You need to go right along the length of the route to get to a Cuttable tree above you, Cut it and then go left almost all the way back to find her.

Pokémon: Clefairy lv. 33 (480 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 480

Total Effort Points: 2 HP

Reward: 660P

Bird Keeper Donald

Location: Roughly in the middle of Route 14. It is easiest to get to him by coming from Fuchsia, running right along Route 15 and turning up with that road. Near where there is a Cuttable tree between the big trees and some Bikers on the other side, Donald will be walking around on the right side of the road.

Pokémon: Farfetch'd lv. 33 (664 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 664

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack

Reward: 792P

Cue Ball Zeek

Location: The upper part of Cycling Road (Route 17), the rightmost lane (once it starts after the grass patch in the upper part). He stands still by the fence, facing left. On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Machoke lv. 33 (1032 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 1032

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack

Reward: 792P

Biker Billy

Location: The upper part of Cycling Road (Route 17). He is a bit down the road from Celadon, standing still but turning around between the leftmost and middle lanes. On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Muk lv. 33 (1110 EXP, 1 HP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 1110

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 1 Attack

Reward: 660P

Biker Hideo

Location: The very top of Cycling Road (Route 16). There are six trainers on bikes there; he is the middle one in the bottom row.

Pokémon: Weezing lv. 33 (1222 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 1222

Total Effort Points: 2 Defense

Reward: 660P

Swimmer Male Jerome

Location: Route 21, above Cinnabar Island. If you Surf up from Cinnabar, he is the first trainer you'll find.

Pokémon: Staryu lv. 33 (748 EXP, 1 SPE), Wartortle lv. 33 (1011 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 1759

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense, 1 Speed

Reward: 132P

Fisherman Nolan

Location: Route 21, below Pallet Town. On your way down the route, you will see plenty of Fishermen on small sand islands; he is the fourth such Fisherman you'll encounter if you go down from Pallet Town.

Pokémon: Seaking lv. 33 (1201 EXP, 2 ATK), Goldeen lv. 33 (784 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 1985

Total Effort Points: 3 Attack

Reward: 1188P

Rocker Luca

Location: Route 12; it's very straightforward and you can't really miss any of the trainers on it. If you go down from where Route 12 joins with Route 11 (where Snorlax used to be), you'll come across the Fishing Guru's house; Luca is running around near it.

Pokémon: Electrode lv. 33 (1060 EXP, 2 SPE), Electrode lv. 33 (1060 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 2120

Total Effort Points: 4 Speed

Reward: 792P

Swimmer Male Spencer

Location: Route 21, below Pallet Town. He is swimming around to the left of the first empty sand island you see when you swim down the route (well, one with no trainers on it, at least; it might have had an item or something but then I already picked it up).

Pokémon: Seadra lv. 33 (1095 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA), Tentacruel lv. 33 (1449 EXP, 2 SPD)

Total EXP: 2544

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense, 1 Special Attack, 2 Special Defense

Reward: 132P

Bird Keeper Ramiro

Location: Route 18, between Cycling Road and Fuchsia City, in a little pocket of grass just below the gatehouse to Cycling Road. He is the one standing in the actual grass near the bottom left.

Pokémon: Dodrio lv. 34 (1150 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 1150

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack

Reward: 816P

Tuber Alexis

Location: Bond Bridge on Three Island. Head left from the town and follow the only possible path until you come down to the shore with the bridge itself on the left. She is running around on the beach.

Pokémon: Staryu lv. 34 (771 EXP, 1 SPE), Staryu lv. 34 (771 EXP, 1 SPE), Krabby lv. 34 (837 EXP, 1 ATK), Krabby lv. 34 (837 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 3216

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 2 Speed

Reward: 136P

Swimmer Male Dean

Location: Route 20, between Cinnabar Island and Seafoam Islands. He is swimming around below an empty sand island and is the third trainer you see on your way right from Cinnabar.

Pokémon: Staryu lv. 35 (795 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 795

Total Effort Points: 1 Speed

Reward: 140P

Swimmer Female Tiffany

Location: Technically Sea Route 20, but she is really swimming just by the entrance to the Seafoam Island accessible from Fuchsia (which is technically the one closer to Cinnabar). Just Surf from Fuchsia, get on the land when you get to the islands, and then go left to the cave entrance; she's swimming in the water just to the left.

Pokémon: Seaking lv. 35 (1275 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 1275

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack

Reward: 140P

Picnicker Claire

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach and then go up there on the left through the grass. She is just standing there.

Pokémon: Meowth lv. 35 (517 EXP, 1 SPE), Meowth lv. 35 (517 EXP, 1 SPE), Pikachu lv. 35 (615 EXP, 2 SPE), Clefairy lv. 35 (510 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 2159

Total Effort Points: 2 HP, 4 Speed

Reward: 700P

Fisherman Tommy

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach; go up that entire island (keep to the left) and then enter the water again. Surf upwards until you come to a little sand island on the right that has a Fisherman on it, right below Mt. Ember. That is Tommy.

Pokémon: Goldeen lv. 33 (784 EXP, 1 ATK), Goldeen lv. 33 (784 EXP, 1 ATK), Seaking lv. 35 (1275 EXP, 2 ATK), Seaking lv. 35 (1275 EXP, 2 ATK), Seaking lv. 35 (1275 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 5393

Total Effort Points: 8 Attack

Reward: 1260P

Aroma Lady Violet

Location: Bond Bridge on Three Island. Head left from the town and follow the only possible path: up stairs, down, left, and up another set of stairs. If you have a Pokémon with Cut, then Cut the tree to the left; otherwise, just go up the stairs on the right, past the Twins, Left through the grass, down the stairs and then down the stairs to the right. She's waiting there, facing left.

Pokémon: Bulbasaur lv. 36 (493 EXP, 1 SPA), Ivysaur lv. 36 (1087 EXP, 1 SPA, 1 SPD), Ivysaur lv. 36 (1087 EXP, 1 SPA, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 2667

Total Effort Points: 3 Special Attack, 2 Special Defense

Reward: 1008P

Swimmer Female Amara

Location: Treasure Beach, or well, technically on the way to Treasure Beach. From One Island, Surf out from the pier and then go down. You'll see her on the way.

Pokémon: Seel lv. 36 (771 EXP, 1 SPD), Seel lv. 36 (771 EXP, 1 SPD), Dewgong lv. 36 (1357 EXP, 2 SPD)

Total EXP: 2899

Total Effort Points: 4 Special Defense

Reward: 144P

Camper Bryce

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach and then go up there on the left through the grass. You will go past a Picnicker and then up for a little while; he is waiting close to an open staircase that takes you up onto the elevated area on the right.

Pokémon: Nidorino lv. 36 (909 EXP, 2 ATK), Sandslash lv. 36 (1257 EXP, 2 DEF), Raticate lv. 36 (894 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 3060

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 2 Defense, 2 Speed

Reward: 720P

Aroma Lady Nikki

Location: Bond Bridge on Three Island. Head left from the town and follow the only possible path all the way over the bridge itself. On the beach there, there is an Aroma Lady and a Tuber; she is, obviously, the Aroma Lady.

Pokémon: Bellsprout lv. 37 (666 EXP, 1 ATK), Weepinbell lv. 37 (1197 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 1863

Total Effort Points: 3 Attack

Reward: 1036P

Swimmer Female Maria

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach; go up that entire island (keep to the left) and then enter the water again. She is swimming around a short distance above this, above a male Swimmer.

Pokémon: Seadra lv. 37 (1228 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA), Seadra lv. 37 (1228 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 2456

Total Effort Points: 2 Defense, 2 Special Attack

Reward: 148P

Swimmer Female Abigail

Location: Ember Path near One Island. If you swim right from One Island, she is just there on a little sand island.

Pokémon: Psyduck lv. 35 (600 EXP, 1 SPA), Psyduck lv. 36 (616 EXP, 1 SPA), Golduck lv. 37 (1378 EXP, 2 SPA)

Total EXP: 2594

Total Effort Points: 4 Special Attack

Reward: 148P

Swimmer Female "Pokémon Is So Pervy When It Wants to Be" Tisha

Location: Bond Bridge on Three Island. Head left from the town and follow the only possible path all the way over to the bridge itself. From there, Surf upwards; she is hiding near the chain of rocks at the top. After beating her, be sure to talk to her to find out what the caption is about. :P

Pokémon: Kingler lv. 38 (1677 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 1677

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack

Reward: 152P

Swimmer Male Garrett

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach and then go up there on the left through the grass and all the way past the elevated area on the right. Above that, there is a small beach; Garrett is waiting at the right shore.

Pokémon: Shellder lv. 35 (727 EXP, 1 DEF), Cloyster lv. 35 (1522 EXP, 2 DEF), Wartortle lv. 38 (1164 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 3413

Total Effort Points: 4 Defense, 1 Special Defense

Reward: 152P

Level 41-50

Fisherman "Why the Hell Haven't You Evolved Those Already" Wade

Location: Route 21, below Pallet Town. If you Surf down the route, you will soon come to two sand islands with Fishermen standing on them; he is the one on the right island.

Pokémon: Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1206

Total Effort Points: 6 Speed

Reward: 3384P

Youngster Yasu

Location: Route 11; he is the guy running around in front of the east exit of the route.

Pokémon: Raticate lv. 47 (1167 EXP, 2 SPE), Raticate lv. 47 (1167 EXP, 2 SPE), Raticate lv. 47 (1167 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 3501

Total Effort Points: 6 Speed

Reward: 752P

Tuber Amira

Location: Bond Bridge on Three Island. Head left from the town and follow the only possible path all the way over the bridge itself. On the beach there, there is an Aroma Lady and a Tuber; she is, obviously, the Tuber.

Pokémon: Poliwhirl lv. 47 (1318 EXP, 2 SPE), Poliwhirl lv. 47 (1318 EXP, 2 SPE), Poliwhirl lv. 47 (1318 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 3954

Total Effort Points: 6 Speed

Reward: 188P

Biker Lukas

Location: Roughly in the middle of Route 14. It is easiest to get to him by coming from Fuchsia, running right along Route 15 and turning up when you see a second road starting a little above yours. Near where there is a Cuttable tree between the big trees, there will be a group of Bikers, three static and one cycling up and down; Lukas is the moving one.

Pokémon: Koffing lv. 47 (1147 EXP, 1 DEF), Koffing lv. 47 (1147 EXP, 1 DEF), Muk lv. 47 (1581 EXP, 1 HP, 1 ATK), Weezing lv. 47 (1741 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 5616

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 1 Attack, 4 Defense

Reward: 940P

Bird Keeper Jacob

Location: Route 18, between Cycling Road and Fuchsia City, in a little pocket of grass just below the gatehouse to Cycling Road. He is by the right fence.

Pokémon: Fearow lv. 47 (1630 EXP, 1 SPE), Fearow lv. 47 (1630 EXP, 1 SPE), Fearow lv. 47 (1630 EXP, 1 SPE), Fearow lv. 47 (1630 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 6520

Total Effort Points: 4 Speed

Reward: 1128P

Bird Keeper Robert

Location: Route 13, the "maze". If you enter the maze from Silence Bridge, just go left past the two Picnickers and eventually you'll be forced to turn down to where he is waiting, facing upwards.

Pokémon: Pidgeot lv. 47 (1731 EXP, 3 SPE), Pidgeot lv. 47 (1731 EXP, 3 SPE), Fearow lv. 47 (1630 EXP, 1 SPE), Fearow lv. 47 (1630 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 6722

Total Effort Points: 8 Speed

Reward: 1128P

Youngster "I Like Shorts!" Ben

Location: Route 3. Exit Pewter City and go up through the gap in the ledges. He is the trainer just to the right and above the gap facing downwards.

Pokémon: Raticate lv. 48 (1190 EXP, 2 SPE), Arbok lv. 48 (1512 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 2702

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 2 Speed

Reward: 768P

Youngster Chad

Location: Route 25. Go up Nugget Bridge from Cerulean City and then go right through the little bush maze. He is running up and down in the flower field near Bill's house.

Pokémon: Arbok lv. 48 (1512 EXP, 2 ATK), Sandslash lv. 48 (1675 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 3187

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 2 Defense

Reward: 768P

Ruin Maniac Benjamin

Location: Tanoby Ruins, just outside the Monean Chamber (rightmost one, on a kind of mountain).

Pokémon: Geodude lv. 48 (883 EXP, 1 DEF), Graveler lv. 48 (1377 EXP, 2 DEF), Graveler lv. 48 (1377 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 3637

Total Effort Points: 5 Defense

Reward: 2304P

Ruin Maniac Stanly

Location: Ruin Valley, Six Island. Go right from the town and then down along the shore. Finally you'll come to a set of stairs on the left; go up there and follow the path down and left into the valley. Once there, take the upper path left through the tall grass around the mountain in the middle. After getting past it, you'll be forced to go down; then you'll come to a set of stairs on your right just as the path below you forks in two. Take the right path down and then right; you'll come to a flight of stairs, and above them there is a patch of grass and a Pokémaniac walking around. Head up there, turn right with the road and then go up the stairs at the end. There are two fat men who look like Hikers standing there; in fact they are Ruin Maniacs and Stanly is the upper one.

Pokémon: Graveler lv. 48 (1377 EXP, 2 DEF), Graveler lv. 48 (1377 EXP, 2 DEF), Onix lv. 48 (1110 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 3864

Total Effort Points: 5 Defense

Reward: 2304P

Swimmer Male Toby

Location: Resort Gorgeous, above Five Island. Surf up from the town through Water Labyrinth (despite the name, getting up is not actually hard at all) and you'll soon come to a small sand island with a rock in the middle of it and a girl standing in front of the rock. To the right of that island, there is a much bigger island. In the sea right of that island, Toby is waiting.

Pokémon: Poliwhirl lv. 48 (1347 EXP, 2 SPE), Tentacool lv. 48 (1080 EXP, 1 SPD), Tentacruel lv. 48 (2107 EXP, 2 SPD)

Total EXP: 4534

Total Effort Points: 3 Special Defense, 2 Speed

Reward: 192P

Bird Keeper Chester

Location: Route 15, third trainer you see below the ledge after you come out of the gatehouse from Fuchsia City and head right.

Pokémon: Dodrio lv. 48 (1624 EXP, 2 ATK), Dodrio lv. 48 (1624 EXP, 2 ATK), Dodrio lv. 48 (1624 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 4872

Total Effort Points: 6 Attack

Reward: 1152P

Juggler Edward

Location: Water Path on Six Island. Go right from the town and he will be on the beach right there.

Pokémon: Voltorb lv. 46 (1014 EXP, 1 SPE), Voltorb lv. 46 (1014 EXP, 1 SPE), Electrode lv. 47 (1510 EXP, 2 SPE), Mr. Mime lv. 48 (1398 EXP, 2 SPD)

Total EXP: 4936

Total Effort Points: 2 Special Defense, 4 Speed

Reward: 1920P

Bird Keeper Marlon

Location: Route 14, just outside the "maze". There are two Bird Keepers just outside it, but he is the one on the right.

Pokémon: Fearow lv. 48 (1665 EXP, 1 SPE), Dodrio lv. 48 (1624 EXP, 2 ATK), Fearow lv. 48 (1665 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 4954

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 2 Speed

Reward: 1152P

Biker Ruben

Location: The very top of Cycling Road (Route 16). There are six trainers on bikes there; he is the leftmost one in the upper row.

Pokémon: Weezing lv. 48 (1779 EXP, 2 DEF), Weezing lv. 48 (1779 EXP, 2 DEF), Weezing lv. 48 (1779 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 5337

Total Effort Points: 6 Defense

Reward: 960P

Lass Megan

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down, left, up again and then left again until you come to a cluster of four trainers standing together. She is the bottom one.

Pokémon: Pidgeot lv. 46 (1695 EXP, 3 SPE), Raticate lv. 47 (1167 EXP, 2 SPE), Nidorino lv. 47 (1188 EXP, 2 ATK), Persian lv. 47 (1489 EXP, 2 SPE), Raichu lv. 48 (1254 EXP, 3 SPE)

Total EXP: 6793

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 10 Speed

Reward: 768P

Twins Joy & Meg

Location: Bond Bridge on Three Island. Head left from the town and follow the only possible path: up stairs, down, left, up another set of stairs and finally up the stairs on the right. They're standing there side by side.

Pokémon: Clefairy lv. 49 (714 EXP, 2 HP), Clefairy lv. 49 (714 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 1428

Total Effort Points: 4 HP

Reward: 1176P

Fisherman Tylor

Location: On the way to Outcast Island near Six Island. First go right from the town and Surf out from the shore. Then Surf upwards until you come to an island. In the top left corner of the island, you can enter Pattern Bush; go through it to the other side (the exit is in the bottom left corner). Then Surf out to the left until you come to an island; there you should turn upwards. You'll go past a couple of trainers on the way. When you come to the actual island (basically just a large patch of sand with a mountain occupying most of it), Surf along the right coast. At the very top of the island, in a tiny pocket of sand, you'll find Tylor facing upwards.

Pokémon: Qwilfish lv. 49 (1050 EXP, 1 ATK), Qwilfish lv. 49 (1050 EXP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 2100

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack

Reward: 1764P

Beauty Sheila

Location: Route 13, the "maze". If you enter the maze from Silence Bridge, the first trainers in the maze you'll see are two Beauties standing side by side; Lola is on the left.

Pokémon: Clefairy lv. 49 (714 EXP, 2 HP), Persian lv. 49 (1554 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 2268

Total Effort Points: 2 HP, 2 Speed

Reward: 3528P

Lady Gillian

Location: Resort Gorgeous, above Five Island. Surf up from the town through Water Labyrinth (despite the name, getting up is not actually hard at all) and you'll soon come to a small sand island with a rock in the middle of it and a girl standing in front of the rock. To the right of that island, there is a much bigger island. She is standing in front of the little flower patch next to the house, facing down.

Pokémon: Mareep lv. 47 (594 EXP, 1 SPA), Mareep lv. 48 (606 EXP, 1 SPA), Flaaffy lv. 49 (1228 EXP, 2 SPA)

Total EXP: 2428

Total Effort Points: 4 Special Attack

Reward: 9800P

Picnicker Kelsey

Location: Route 25. Go up Nugget Bridge from Cerulean City and then go right; she is near the bottom when you've gotten about halfway through, a few tiles below the famous Slowpoke Mew Youngster Dan.

Pokémon: Nidorino lv. 49 (1239 EXP, 2 ATK), Nidorina lv. 49 (1228 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 2467

Total Effort Points: 2 HP, 2 Attack

Reward: 980P

Swimmer Female Denise

Location: Water Path near Six Island. Go right from the town and Surf out from the shore. Then Surf upwards along the path that zigzags between those rock chains, and she is the first trainer you'll encounter on the way.

Pokémon: Chinchou lv. 49 (945 EXP, 1 HP), Lanturn lv. 49 (1638 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 2583

Total Effort Points: 3 HP

Reward: 196P

Beauty Grace

Location: Route 15, sixth trainer you see below the ledge after you come out of the gatehouse from Fuchsia City and head right.

Pokémon: Pidgeot lv. 49 (1806 EXP, 3 SPE), Wigglytuff lv. 49 (1144 EXP, 3 HP)

Total EXP: 2950

Total Effort Points: 3 HP, 3 Speed

Reward: 3528P

Cue Ball Camron

Location: The very top of Cycling Road (Route 16). There are six trainers on bikes there; he is the leftmost one in the lower row.

Pokémon: Primeape lv. 49 (1564 EXP, 2 ATK), Machoke lv. 49 (1533 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 3097

Total Effort Points: 4 Attack

Reward: 1176P

Gentleman Clifford

Location: Tanoby Ruins, just outside the Weepth Chamber (fifth from the left). I trust you can tell which of the two trainers there is the Gentleman.

Pokémon: Marowak lv. 49 (1302 EXP, 2 DEF), Golduck lv. 49 (1827 EXP, 2 SPA)

Total EXP: 3129

Total Effort Points: 2 Defense, 2 Special Attack

Reward: 3528P

Swimmer Female Melissa

Location: Route 20, between Cinnabar Island and Seafoam Islands. She is the first trainer you encounter when you Surf right from Cinnabar.

Pokémon: Poliwhirl lv. 49 (1375 EXP, 2 SPE), Seaking lv. 49 (1785 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 3160

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 2 Speed

Reward: 196P

Swimmer Male Tony

Location: Sea Route 19, just below the Fuchsia beach. He is the first Swimmer you'll encounter swimming in the sea there.

Pokémon: Seadra lv. 49 (1627 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA), Seadra lv. 49 (1627 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 3254

Total Effort Points: 2 Defense, 2 Special Attack

Reward: 196P

Swimmer Male Matthew

Location: Sea Route 19, below the Fuchsia beach. He is the fourth trainer from the top when you Surf down.

Pokémon: Poliwhirl lv. 49 (1375 EXP, 2 SPE), Poliwrath lv. 49 (1942 EXP, 3 DEF)

Total EXP: 3317

Total Effort Points: 3 Defense, 2 Speed

Reward: 196P

Bird Keeper Benny

Location: Route 14 near the bottom, easily reached just by going straight right from Fuchsia through Route 15. He's walking around on the right side of the road just above where it bends west.

Pokémon: Fearow lv. 49 (1701 EXP, 1 SPE), Fearow lv. 49 (1701 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 3402

Total Effort Points: 2 Speed

Reward: 1176P

Biker Jaxon

Location: Cycling Road (Route 17), the leftmost lane. When you go down that lane, you'll meet two trainers who are cycling up and down in the middle of the lane; he is the second one of them. On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Weezing lv. 49 (1816 EXP, 2 DEF), Muk lv. 49 (1648 EXP, 1 HP, 1 ATK)

Total EXP: 3464

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 1 Attack, 2 Defense

Reward: 980P

Cue Ball Isaiah

Location: The upper part of Cycling Road (Route 17). He is cycling up and down on the middle lane near Celadon City, close by the Cycling Road patch of grass (note that the rightmost lane doesn't start until below that, so at this point it is the rightmost lane actually there). On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Machoke lv. 49 (1533 EXP, 2 ATK), Machamp lv. 49 (2026 EXP, 3 ATK)

Total EXP: 3559

Total Effort Points: 5 Attack

Reward: 1176P

Swimmer Female Alice

Location: Sea Route 19, below the Fuchsia beach. If you Surf down from Fuchsia, you'll come to a cluster of four people floating around close to one another just as the route bends to the left; she is the girl on the right.

Pokémon: Seaking lv. 49 (1785 EXP, 2 ATK), Seaking lv. 49 (1785 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 3570

Total Effort Points: 4 Attack

Reward: 196P

Cue Ball Corey

Location: Cycling Road (Route 17), the rightmost lane (once it starts after the grass patch in the upper part). When you go down that lane, you'll meet two trainers who are cycling up and down in the middle of the lane; he is the second one of them. On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Primeape lv. 49 (1564 EXP, 2 ATK), Machamp lv. 49 (2026 EXP, 3 ATK)

Total EXP: 3590

Total Effort Points: 5 Attack

Reward: 1176P

Swimmer Male Mymo

Location: On the way to Outcast Island near Six Island. First go right from the town and Surf out from the shore. Then Surf upwards until you come to an island. In the top left corner of the island, you can enter Pattern Bush; go through it to the other side (the exit is in the bottom left corner). Then Surf out to the left until you come to an island; there you should turn upwards. You'll go past a couple of trainers, but then, close to the actual island, you'll find him floating in the water.

Pokémon: Kingler lv. 49 (2163 EXP, 2 ATK), Wartortle lv. 49 (1501 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 3664

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense

Reward: 196P

Painter Celina

Location: Resort Gorgeous, above Five Island. Surf up from the town through Water Labyrinth (despite the name, getting up is not actually hard at all) and you'll soon come to a small sand island with a rock in the middle of it and a girl standing in front of the rock. To the right of that island, there is a much bigger island. She is standing near the bottom of the island, facing upwards.

Pokémon: Smeargle lv. 50 (1135 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1135

Total Effort Points: 1 Speed

Reward: 800P

Painter Daisy

Location: Resort Gorgeous, above Five Island. Surf up from the town through Water Labyrinth (despite the name, getting up is not actually hard at all) and you'll soon come to a small sand island with a rock in the middle of it and a girl standing in front of the rock. To the right of that island, there is a much bigger island. She is standing to the right of the entrance to the house.

Pokémon: Smeargle lv. 50 (1135 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1135

Total Effort Points: 1 Speed

Reward: 800P

Painter Edna

Location: Tanoby Ruins, just outside the Weepth Chamber (fifth from the left). I trust you can tell which of the two trainers there is the Painter.

Pokémon: Smeargle lv. 50 (1135 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1135

Total Effort Points: 1 Speed

Reward: 800P

Ruin Maniac Brandon

Location: Tanoby Ruins, just outside the Scufib Chamber (third from the left).

Pokémon: Onix lv. 50 (1156 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 1156

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense

Reward: 2400P

Hiker Daryl

Location: Ruin Valley, Six Island. Go right from the town and then down along the shore. Finally you'll come to a set of stairs on the left; go up there and follow the path down and left into the valley. Once there, take the upper path left through the tall grass around the mountain in the middle. After getting past it, you'll be forced to go down; then you'll come to a set of stairs on your right. Go up two flights of stairs there, and Daryl is waiting there to the right, facing down.

Pokémon: Sudowoodo lv. 50 (1446 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 1446

Total Effort Points: 2 Defense

Reward: 1800P

Twins Miu & Mia

Location: Water Path near Six Island. Go right from the town and Surf out from the shore. Then Surf upwards until you come to an island. They're standing together to the left in front of a couple of bushes.

Pokémon: Pikachu lv. 50 (877 EXP, 2 SPE), Pikachu lv. 50 (877 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 1754

Total Effort Points: 4 Speed

Reward: 1200P

Ruin Maniac Foster

Location: Ruin Valley, Six Island. Go right from the town and then down along the shore. Finally you'll come to a set of stairs on the left; go up there and follow the path down and left into the valley. Once there, take the upper path left through the tall grass around the mountain in the middle. After getting past it, you'll be forced to go down; then you'll come to a set of stairs on your right just as the path below you forks in two. Take the right path down and then right; you'll come to a flight of stairs, and above them there is a patch of grass and a Pokémaniac walking around. Head up there, turn right with the road and then go up the stairs at the end. There are two fat men who look like Hikers standing there; in fact they are Ruin Maniacs and Foster is the lower one.

Pokémon: Golem lv. 50 (1896 EXP, 3 DEF)

Total EXP: 1896

Total Effort Points: 3 Defense

Reward: 2400P

Lady "Holy Cow She Has Money" Jacki

Location: Resort Gorgeous, above Five Island. Surf up from the town through Water Labyrinth (despite the name, getting up is not actually hard at all) and you'll soon come to a small sand island with a rock in the middle of it and a girl standing in front of the rock. To the right of that island, there is a much bigger island, and she is standing on the left shore. The money you get for beating her is the most of any trainer in the game.

Pokémon: Hoppip lv. 48 (760 EXP, 1 SPD), Skiploom lv. 50 (1456 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 2216

Total Effort Points: 1 Special Defense, 2 Speed

Reward: 10000P

Swimmer Male Jack

Location: Route 21, between Pallet Town and Cinnabar Island. He is swimming around to the right of the second empty sand island you see when you swim either up or down the route (well, one with no trainers on it, at least; it might have had an item or something but then I already picked it up).

Pokémon: Starmie lv. 50 (2217 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 2217

Total Effort Points: 2 Speed

Reward: 200P

Swimmer Male Finn

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach; go up that entire island (keep to the left) and then enter the water again. He is swimming around a short distance above the shore.

Pokémon: Starmie lv. 50 (2217 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 2217

Total Effort Points: 2 Speed

Reward: 200P

Young Couple Eve & Jon

Location: Canyon Entrance, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, down into the grass, and then left. Go up the stairs there and then go down the path on the elevated area. They'll be romantically talking on their little private shore.

Pokémon: Golduck lv. 50 (1862 EXP, 2 SPA), Psyduck lv. 50 (854 EXP, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 2716

Total Effort Points: 3 Special Attack

Reward: 2800P

Sis and Bro Ava & Geb

Location: On the way to Outcast Island near Six Island. First go right from the town and Surf out from the shore. Then Surf upwards until you come to an island. In the top left corner of the island, you can enter Pattern Bush; go through it to the other side (the exit is in the bottom left corner). Then Surf out to the left until you come to an island; there you should turn upwards. Soon enough you'll find the two of them facing upwards in the middle of your path.

Pokémon: Poliwhirl lv. 50 (1400 EXP, 2 SPE), Starmie lv. 50 (2216 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 3616

Total Effort Points: 4 Speed

Reward: 400P

Aroma Lady Miah

Location: Canyon Entrance, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge; she'll be in a flower patch on the right just as you've crossed the bridge.

Pokémon: Bellossom lv. 50 (1971 EXP, 3 SPD), Bellossom lv. 50 (1971 EXP, 3 SPD)

Total EXP: 3942

Total Effort Points: 6 Special Defense

Reward: 1400P

Picnicker Isabelle

Location: Route 6. If you exit Vermilion City at the north exit, she will be the upper one of two trainers in the grass close to the beginning of the route.

Pokémon: Pidgeotto lv. 47 (1137 EXP, 2 SPE), Pidgeotto lv. 47 (1137 EXP, 2 SPE), Pidgeot lv. 50 (1842 EXP, 3 SPE)

Total EXP: 4116

Total Effort Points: 7 Speed

Reward: 1000P

Level 51-60

Juggler Mason

Location: Canyon Entrance, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and he will be right to the left.

Pokémon: Electrode lv. 52 (1671 EXP, 2 SPE), Pineco lv. 52 (667 EXP, 1 DEF), Electrode lv. 52 (1671 EXP, 2 SPE), Pineco lv. 52 (667 EXP, 1 DEF)

Total EXP: 4676

Total Effort Points: 2 Defense, 4 Speed

Reward: 2080P

Youngster Timmy

Location: Route 24, Nugget Bridge. If you go up from Cerulean City, he's the third trainer on the bridge.

Pokémon: Raticate lv. 52 (1292 EXP, 2 SPE), Arbok lv. 52 (1638 EXP, 2 ATK), Golbat lv. 52 (1904 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 4834

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 4 Speed

Reward: 832P

Swimmer Male Darrin

Location: Sea Route 20, between Fuchsia and Seafoam Islands. He is swimming around near the bottom of the route.

Pokémon: Seadra lv. 52 (1726 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA), Seadra lv. 52 (1726 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA), Seadra lv. 52 (1726 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA), Seadra lv. 52 (1726 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 6904

Total Effort Points: 4 Defense, 4 Special Attack

Reward: 208P

Picnicker Susie

Location: The Silence Bridge part of Route 13. If you go down from Route 12, she will be the third trainer you meet after entering route 13.

Pokémon: Pidgeot lv. 52 (1915 EXP, 3 SPE), Persian lv. 52 (1648 EXP, 2 SPE), Raticate lv. 52 (1291 EXP, 2 SPE), Raichu lv. 52 (1359 EXP, 3 SPE), Persian lv. 52 (1648 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 7861

Total Effort Points: 12 Speed

Reward: 1040P

PKMN Breeder Alize

Location: Water Labyrinth. Surf up from Five Island and then head left until you come to an island with an old man and a woman on it; she is, obviously, the woman. This is the Water Labyrinth and if I started describing the exact way you need to go to actually get left instead of running into a dead end I would go insane, so I won't. You'll figure it out.

Pokémon: Pikachu lv. 53 (930 EXP, 2 SPE), Clefairy lv. 53 (771 EXP, 2 HP), Marill lv. 53 (658 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 2359

Total Effort Points: 4 HP, 2 Speed

Reward: 1484P

Youngster Destin

Location: Resort Gorgeous, above Five Island. Surf up from the town through Water Labyrinth (despite the name, getting up is not actually hard at all) and you'll soon come to a small sand island with a rock in the middle of it and a girl standing in front of the rock. To the right of that island, there is a much bigger island. He is running around above the house.

Pokémon: Raticate lv. 53 (1317 EXP, 2 SPE), Pidgeot lv. 53 (1953 EXP, 3 SPE)

Total EXP: 3270

Total Effort Points: 5 Speed

Reward: 848P

Psychic Rodette

Location: On the way to Trainer Tower, Seven Island. Just go up from the town and she is the first person you find.

Pokémon: Natu lv. 53 (828 EXP, 1 SPA), Hypno lv. 53 (1873 EXP, 2 SPD), Hypno lv. 53 (1873 EXP, 2 SPD)

Total EXP: 4574

Total Effort Points: 1 Special Attack, 4 Special Defense

Reward: 1060P

Swimmer Female Nicole

Location: On the way to Outcast Island near Six Island. First go right from the town and Surf out from the shore. Then Surf upwards until you come to an island. In the top left corner of the island, you can enter Pattern Bush; go through it to the other side (the exit is in the bottom left corner). Then Surf out to the left until you come to an island; there you should turn upwards. On the way you will meet a Swimmer, which is Nicole.

Pokémon: Marill lv. 54 (670 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 670

Total Effort Points: 2 HP

Reward: 216P

Painter Rayna

Location: Resort Gorgeous, above Five Island. Surf up from the town through Water Labyrinth (despite the name, getting up is not actually hard at all) and you'll soon come to a small sand island with a rock in the middle of it and a girl standing in front of the rock. Rayna is that girl.

Pokémon: Smeargle lv. 54 (1225 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1225

Total Effort Points: 1 Speed

Reward: 864P

Picnicker Becky

Location: Route 15 above the ledge. You need to go right along the length of the route to get to a Cuttable tree above you, Cut it and then go left; she's the first trainer you come across.

Pokémon: Raichu lv. 54 (1411 EXP, 3 SPE), Raichu lv. 54 (1411 EXP, 3 SPE)

Total EXP: 2822

Total Effort Points: 6 Speed

Reward: 1080P

Camper Jeff

Location: Route 6. If you exit Vermilion City at the north exit, he will be the lower one of two trainers in the grass close to the beginning of the route.

Pokémon: Fearow lv. 54 (1873 EXP, 1 SPE), Raticate lv. 54 (1341 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 3214

Total Effort Points: 3 Speed

Reward: 1080P

Pokémaniac Herman

Location: Route 10 after Rock Tunnel. From Lavender Town, go upwards through a small gap in a ledge. He is the guy with glasses walking around there.

Pokémon: Marowak lv. 54 (1434 EXP, 2 DEF), Slowbro lv. 54 (1897 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 3331

Total Effort Points: 4 Defense

Reward: 2592P

Ruin Maniac Larry

Location: Ruin Valley, Six Island. Go right from the town and then down along the shore. Finally you'll come to a set of stairs on the left; go up there and follow the path down and left into the valley. Once there, take the upper path left through the tall grass around the mountain in the middle. After getting past it, you'll be forced to go down; then you'll come to a set of stairs on your right just as the path below you forks in two. Take the right path down and then right; you'll come to a flight of stairs, and above them there is a patch of grass and a Pokémaniac walking around. Head up there, turn right with the road and then go up the stairs at the end. Go down there on the right; at the bottom, just before you need to go down some stairs, there will be a Ruin Maniac facing the cliff to the left. This is Larry.

Pokémon: Machoke lv. 54 (1689 EXP, 2 ATK), Machoke lv. 54 (1689 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 3378

Total Effort Points: 4 Attack

Reward: 2592P

Hiker Earl

Location: Water Path on Six Island. Go right from the town and then down along the shore. Finally you'll come to a set of stairs on the left, and if you go up there, Earl is waiting there just below and to the left.

Pokémon: Onix lv. 54 (1249 EXP, 1 DEF), Machamp lv. 54 (2232 EXP, 3 ATK)

Total EXP: 3481

Total Effort Points: 3 Attack, 1 Defense

Reward: 1944P

Pokémaniac Mark

Location: Route 10, just by the Power Plant. Fly to the Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center, head upwards through the grass patch and Surf in the water there. Surf down the river until you come to the land where the Power Plant is; he is the only trainer there.

Pokémon: Rhydon lv. 54 (2359 EXP, 2 ATK), Lickitung lv. 54 (1468 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 3827

Total Effort Points: 2 HP, 2 Attack

Reward: 2592P

Picnicker Missy

Location: Route 20, between Cinnabar Island and Seafoam Islands. She is standing on an island near the bottom of the route a short distance away from Cinnabar.

Pokémon: Seaking lv. 54 (1966 EXP, 2 ATK), Seaking lv. 54 (1966 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 3932

Total Effort Points: 4 Attack

Reward: 1080P

Camper Chris

Location: Route 9. Go to Cerulean City, through the Dig man's house and out to the right. Cut the tree and head on right until you come to a Picnicker and a ledge; jump down the ledge and continue rightwards. When you come to a spot where you can go up, do so and then go left to where he is standing near a sign.

Pokémon: Arcanine lv. 54 (2464 EXP, 2 ATK), Charmeleon lv. 54 (1642 EXP, 1 SPA, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 4106

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 1 Special Attack, 1 Speed

Reward: 1080P

Psychic Jaclyn

Location: Green Path near Six Island. First go right from the town and Surf out from the shore. Then Surf upwards until you come to an island. In the top left corner of the island, you can enter Pattern Bush; go through it to the other side (the exit is in the bottom left corner). Then Surf out to the left, and you'll come to an island where a lone woman is standing after realizing she keeps teleporting there instead of to her house. Ouch.

Pokémon: Natu lv. 52 (813 EXP, 1 SPA), Slowbro lv. 52 (1827 EXP, 2 DEF), Kadabra lv. 54 (1677 EXP, 2 SPA)

Total EXP: 4317

Total Effort Points: 2 Defense, 3 Special Attack

Reward: 1080P

Bug Catcher Colton

Location: Route 3. Exit Pewter City and go up through the gap in the ledges. He is the trainer to the left right above the gap.

Pokémon: Butterfree lv. 51 (1746 EXP, 2 SPA, 1 SPD), Beedrill lv. 54 (1839 EXP, 2 ATK, 1 SPD), Butterfree lv. 51 (1746 EXP, 2 SPA, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 5331

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 4 Special Attack, 3 Special Defense

Reward: 612P

Crush Girl Cyndy

Location: Sevault Canyon, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, all the way down through the grass, and then up the stairs on the right. Then just follow the path until you come to a large staircase; go down there, through the grass, and then either Rock Smash the rugged rock or walk around it through the grass. Go up the stairs on the left, and then head down. Finally, go right when you can, and you'll see her facing upwards between some rocks.

Pokémon: Primeape lv. 54 (1723 EXP, 2 ATK), Hitmontop lv. 54 (1596 EXP, 2 SPD), Machamp lv. 54 (2232 EXP, 3 ATK)

Total EXP: 5551

Total Effort Points: 5 Attack, 2 Special Defense

Reward: 1296P

Camper Ricky

Location: Route 6. Exit Saffron City at the south gatehouse, follow the road around the tall grass down and then go right to where a Camper and a Picnicker are standing, facing one another. Ricky is the Camper, who is on the left.

Pokémon: Wartortle lv. 55 (1684 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPD)

Total EXP: 1684

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense, 1 Special Defense

Reward: 1100P

Picnicker Alicia

Location: Route 9. Go to Cerulean City, through the Dig man's house and out to the right. Cut the tree and head on right until you come to her.

Pokémon: Persian lv. 55 (1743 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 1743

Total Effort Points: 2 Speed

Reward: 1100P

Swimmer Male Samir

Location: Water Path near Six Island. Go right from the town and Surf out from the shore. Then Surf upwards along the path that zigzags between those rock chains, and he is the second trainer you'll encounter on the way.

Pokémon: Gyarados lv. 55 (2521 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 2521

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack

Reward: 220P

Crush Girl Tanya

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach and then go up there on the left through the grass. You will go past a Picnicker and then up for a little while; soon you'll come to a staircase onto the elevated area to the right where a Camper is standing close by. Just go up the stairs and then down the elevated area; she is running around near the bottom of it.

Pokémon: Hitmonlee lv. 55 (1638 EXP, 2 ATK), Hitmonchan lv. 55 (1650 EXP, 2 SPD)

Total EXP: 3288

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 2 Special Defense

Reward: 1320P

Bird Keeper Milo

Location: Memorial Pillar, or rather on the way there. From Five Island, enter Five Isle Meadow and get to the right shore. Surf right there and you'll come to an island where he is standing on an elevated cliff thing above the beach.

Pokémon: Pidgeotto lv. 53 (1282 EXP, 2 SPE), Pidgeot lv. 55 (2026 EXP, 3 SPE)

Total EXP: 3308

Total Effort Points: 5 Speed

Reward: 1320P

Crush Girl Sharon

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach and then go up there on the left through the grass and all the way past the elevated area on the right. Then stay on the left side; if you go a little further up, you'll see two Black Belts running left and right between the walls on either side and each other. If you go even past them, you'll come to the entrance to the Ember Spa and a beach on the left; Sharon is running up and down that beach.

Pokémon: Primeape lv. 55 (1755 EXP, 2 ATK), Primeape lv. 55 (1755 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 3510

Total Effort Points: 4 Attack

Reward: 1320P

Bird Keeper Chaz

Location: Memorial Pillar, or rather on the way there. From Five Island, enter Five Isle Meadow and get to the right shore. Surf right there and you'll come to an island; go up the stairs and then follow the path. He is the second trainer you meet on the way.

Pokémon: Fearow lv. 53 (1839 EXP, 1 SPE), Fearow lv. 55 (1908 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 3747

Total Effort Points: 2 Speed

Reward: 1320P

Bird Keeper Harold

Location: Memorial Pillar, or rather on the way there. From Five Island, enter Five Isle Meadow and get to the right shore. Surf right there and you'll come to an island; go up the stairs and then follow the path. He is at the very bottom.

Pokémon: Noctowl lv. 53 (1839 EXP, 2 HP), Noctowl lv. 55 (1908 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 3747

Total Effort Points: 4 HP

Reward: 1320P

Black Belt Hugh

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach and then go up there on the left through the grass and all the way past the elevated area on the right. Then stay on the left side; if you go a little further up, you'll see two Black Belts running left and right between the walls on either side and each other. Hugh is the left one.

Pokémon: Machoke lv. 55 (1720 EXP, 2 ATK), Machamp lv. 55 (2274 EXP, 3 ATK)

Total EXP: 3994

Total Effort Points: 5 Attack

Reward: 1320P

Black Belt Shea

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach and then go up there on the left through the grass and all the way past the elevated area on the right. Then stay on the left side; if you go a little further up, you'll see two Black Belts running left and right between the walls on either side and each other. Shea is the right one.

Pokémon: Machoke lv. 55 (1720 EXP, 2 ATK), Machamp lv. 55 (2274 EXP, 3 ATK)

Total EXP: 3994

Total Effort Points: 5 Attack

Reward: 1320P

Sis and Bro Lil & Ian

Location: Route 21, below Pallet Town. If you Surf down the route, past the two islands with Fishermen on them, you'll find them floating together just below.

Pokémon: Seadra lv. 55 (1824 EXP, 1 DEF, 1 SPA), Starmie lv. 55 (2438 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 4262

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense, 1 Special Attack, 2 Speed

Reward: 440P

PKMN Ranger Madeline

Location: Canyon Entrance, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, and you will see two Pokémon Rangers in the grass below. She is the one on the left.

Pokémon: Vileplume lv. 55 (2167 EXP, 3 SPA), Vileplume lv. 55 (2167 EXP, 3 SPA)

Total EXP: 4334

Total Effort Points: 6 Special Attack

Reward: 1980P

Pokémaniac Hector

Location: Ruin Valley, Six Island. Go right from the town and then down along the shore. Finally you'll come to a set of stairs on the left; go up there and follow the path down and left into the valley. Once there, take the upper path left through the tall grass around the mountain in the middle. After getting past it, you'll be forced to go down; then you'll come to a set of stairs on your right just as the path below you forks in two. Take the right path down and then right; you'll come to a flight of stairs, and above them there is a patch of grass and a Pokémaniac (Hector) walking around.

Pokémon: Rhydon lv. 55 (2403 EXP, 2 ATK), Kangaskhan lv. 55 (2062 EXP, 1 HP)

Total EXP: 4465

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 2 Attack

Reward: 2640P

PKMN Ranger Nicolas

Location: Canyon Entrance, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, and you will see two Pokémon Rangers in the grass below. He is the one on the right.

Pokémon: Victreebel lv. 55 (2250 EXP, 3 ATK), Victreebel lv. 55 (2250 EXP, 3 ATK)

Total EXP: 4500

Total Effort Points: 6 Attack

Reward: 1980P

Young Couple Gia & Jes

Location: Route 12; it's very straightforward and you can't really miss any of the trainers on it. They are the fifth trainer you encounter when you go from Lavender Town.

Pokémon: Nidoqueen lv. 55 (2286 EXP, 3 HP), Nidoking lv. 55 (2298 EXP, 3 ATK)

Total EXP: 4584

Total Effort Points: 3 HP, 3 Attack

Reward: 3080P

Tamer Evan

Location: Sevault Canyon, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, all the way down through the grass, and then up the stairs on the right. Then just follow the path until you come to a large staircase; go down there, through the grass, and a little further down. There you'll see a guy hiding by a rock; that's Evan.

Pokémon: Sandslash lv. 52 (1815 EXP, 2 DEF), Lickitung lv. 52 (1414 EXP, 2 HP), Ursaring lv. 55 (2227 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 5456

Total Effort Points: 2 HP, 2 Attack, 2 Defense

Reward: 2200P

PKMN Ranger Jackson

Location: Sevault Canyon, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, all the way down through the grass, and then up the stairs on the right. Then just follow the path until you come to a large staircase; go down there, through the grass, and then either Rock Smash the rugged rock or walk around it through the grass. Go up the stairs on the left, and then head down. You'll see two Pokémon Rangers together; he's the upper one.

Pokémon: Tangela lv. 53 (1884 EXP, 1 DEF), Exeggutor lv. 54 (2452 EXP, 2 SPA), Exeggutor lv. 55 (2497 EXP, 2 SPA)

Total EXP: 6833

Total Effort Points: 1 Defense, 4 Special Attack

Reward: 1980P

Cooltrainer "Most Experience for a Single VS-Seekerable Trainer in the Game" Leroy

Location: Sevault Canyon, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, all the way down through the grass, and then up the stairs on the right. Then just follow the path until you come to a large staircase; go down there, through the grass, and then either Rock Smash the rugged rock or walk around it through the grass. Go up the stairs on the left, and then head down until you have gone down another staircase. In the grass below, there are two Cooltrainers; he is the one that's further up.

Pokémon: Rhydon lv. 52 (2270 EXP, 2 ATK), Slowbro lv. 54 (1897 EXP, 2 DEF), Kangaskhan lv. 52 (1950 EXP, 1 HP), Machamp lv. 52 (2149 EXP, 3 ATK), Ursaring lv. 55 (2227 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 10493

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 7 Attack, 2 Defense

Reward: 1980P

Psychic Dario

Location: On the way to Trainer Tower, Seven Island. Just go up from the town and he is standing on the shore, facing the sea.

Pokémon: Girafarig lv. 56 (1788 EXP, 2 SPA)

Total EXP: 1788

Total Effort Points: 2 Special Attack

Reward: 1120P

PKMN Ranger "Most Experience for a Single VS-Seekerable Pokémon in the Game" Katelyn

Location: Sevault Canyon, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, all the way down through the grass, and then up the stairs on the right. Then just follow the path until you come to a large staircase; go down there, through the grass, and then either Rock Smash the rugged rock or walk around it through the grass. Go up the stairs on the left, and then head down. You'll see two Pokémon Rangers together; she's the lower one.

Pokémon: Chansey lv. 56 (3060 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 3060

Total Effort Points: 2 HP

Reward: 2016P

Crush Kin Ron & Mya

Location: Route 15 above the ledge. You need to go right along the length of the route to get to a Cuttable tree above you, Cut it and then go left; they're a karate-looking couple on the middle of the road.

Pokémon: Hitmonlee lv. 56 (1668 EXP, 2 ATK), Hitmonchan lv. 56 (1680 EXP, 2 SPD)

Total EXP: 3348

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 2 Special Defense

Reward: 2688P

Crush Kin Mik & Kia

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach and then go up there on the left through the grass and all the way past the elevated area on the right. Then stay on the left side; they're standing side by side up by a wall a little further up.

Pokémon: Machamp lv. 56 (2316 EXP, 3 ATK), Primeape lv. 56 (1788 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 4104

Total Effort Points: 5 Attack

Reward: 2688P

Cooltrainer Michelle

Location: Sevault Canyon, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, all the way down through the grass, and then up the stairs on the right. Then just follow the path until you come to a large staircase; go down there, through the grass, and then either Rock Smash the rugged rock or walk around it through the grass. Go up the stairs on the left, and then head down until you have gone down another staircase. In the grass below, there are two Cooltrainers; she is the one that's further down.

Pokémon: Persian lv. 53 (1680 EXP, 2 SPE), Dewgong lv. 53 (1998 EXP, 2 SPD), Ninetales lv. 54 (2059 EXP, 1 SPA, 1 SPD), Rapidash lv. 54 (2221 EXP, 2 SPE), Girafarig lv. 56 (1788 EXP, 2 SPA)

Total EXP: 9746

Total Effort Points: 3 Special Attack, 3 Special Defense, 4 Speed

Reward: 2016P

Cool Couple "Highest-Leveled VS-Seekerable Pokémon in the Game" Lex & Nya

Location: Sevault Canyon, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, all the way down through the grass, and then up the stairs on the right. Then just follow the path until you come to a large staircase; they are standing just above it, facing right.

Pokémon: Miltank lv. 57 (2442 EXP, 2 DEF), Tauros lv. 57 (2576 EXP, 1 ATK, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 5018

Total Effort Points: 1 Attack, 2 Defense, 1 Speed

Reward: 2736P

High-Level Training Spots

Sometimes you just want to be able to train your Pokémon quickly and easily, and since the VS Seeker requires 100 steps between uses, it is always optimal to get as many trainers who give as much experience as possible on-screen at the same time. This section aims at giving you ideas for good training spots. If you know of a great one I haven't discovered, you are encouraged to contact me and tell me about it.

Biker Ruben, Cue Ball Luke, Biker Lao, Cue Ball Camron, Biker Hideo, Cue Ball Koji


Location: Route 16

Number of Pokémon: 13

Levels: 28-49

Total EXP: 13427

Notes: It's not a very good spot compared to others - not really a lot of experience, but a lot of trainers and an awful lot of Pokémon to plough through - but I'm mentioning it for two reasons. One, it's great for slightly weaker Pokémon that can't handle battling everything in the other training spots without healing in between, especially since only two of them are using relatively high-leveled Pokémon and the others are pretty much something you'll faint easily in one hit, and two, it's Psychic-training heaven, since all their Pokémon are Poison or Fighting-types.

Juggler Mason, PKMN Ranger Nicolas, PKMN Ranger Madeline


Location: Canyon Entrance, Seven Island

Number of Pokémon: 8

Levels: 52-55

Total EXP: 13510

Notes: Not the best spot, since it's a lot of steps and grass to the next healing spot (Six Island Pokémon Center) and they don't give that much experience.

Crush Girl Sharon, Black Belt Hugh, Black Belt Shea, Crush Kin Mik & Kia


Location: Kindle Road, One Island

Number of Pokémon: 8

Levels: 55-56

Total EXP: 15602

Notes: The Ember Spa, where you can heal your Pokémon, is just a few steps away, which is very nice. All of their Pokémon are pure Fighting-types, making this training spot heaven for Psychic or Flying Pokémon. It does have the disadvantage of one of the battles being a double battle, however - if it's only one particular Pokémon you're training, it won't get quite all that experience.

PKMN Ranger Jackson, PKMN Ranger Katelyn, Tamer Evan, Crush Girl Cyndy


Location: Sevault Canyon, Seven Island

Number of Pokémon: 10

Levels: 52-56

Total EXP: 19016

Notes: Pretty close to a healing spot, namely the house a little lower on the route in which a man offers to let you do the "Chansey Dance" which heals your Pokémon (without a doubt one of the silliest things ever to grace the Pokémon games after "I like shorts"). The types are rather mixed.

Cooltrainer Michelle, Cooltrainer Leroy


Location: Sevault Canyon, Seven Island

Number of Pokémon: 10

Levels: 52-56

Total EXP: 20239

Notes: You can't go wrong when you can get those two (what I'm fairly sure are the top two trainers in the game in terms of total experience) in one use of the VS Seeker. Additionally, both of them are standing just by the Chansey Dance house (which admittedly might be a little worse, since then you'll have to run randomly around to recharge the VS Seeker's battery between fighting them). Very mixed types, as one would expect of Cooltrainers.

EV Trainers

Tired of battling wild Pokémon and want to get some good trainers to battle for your effort training? Look no further than here.

Hit Points

There aren't a lot of trainers that give very much HP in FR/LG, unfortunately, but the following all give four HP and nothing else and are not too difficult to access:

Lass Julia

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and she is the first trainer you'll see when you follow the road down, standing just by the tres and facing left.

Pokémon: Clefairy lv. 22 (319 EXP, 2 HP), Clefairy lv. 22 (319 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 638

Total Effort Points: 4 HP

Reward: 352P

Twins "First 2-on-2" Eli & Anne

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down, left, up again and then left again. They're standing together just above the road.

Pokémon: Clefairy lv. 28 (408 EXP, 2 HP), Jigglypuff lv. 28 (456 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 864

Total Effort Points: 4 HP

Reward: 672P

Twins Joy & Meg

Location: Bond Bridge on Three Island. Head left from the town and follow the only possible path: up stairs, down, left, up another set of stairs and finally up the stairs on the right. They're standing there side by side.

Pokémon: Clefairy lv. 49 (714 EXP, 2 HP), Clefairy lv. 49 (714 EXP, 2 HP)

Total EXP: 1428

Total Effort Points: 4 HP

Reward: 1176P


The definite best person to battle here is Fisherman Tommy, who has a team of not-so-high-leveled Goldeen and Seaking for a total of 8 Attack Effort Points:

Fisherman Tommy

Location: Kindle Road near One Island. Surf right and up from One Island until you come to a beach; go up that entire island (keep to the left) and then enter the water again. Surf upwards until you come to a little sand island on the right that has a Fisherman on it, right below Mt. Ember. That is Tommy.

Pokémon: Goldeen lv. 33 (784 EXP, 1 ATK), Goldeen lv. 33 (784 EXP, 1 ATK), Seaking lv. 35 (1275 EXP, 2 ATK), Seaking lv. 35 (1275 EXP, 2 ATK), Seaking lv. 35 (1275 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 5393

Total Effort Points: 8 Attack

Reward: 1260P

However, he takes a little long to reach (not to mention Surfing, where you will be finding bunches of annoying Tentacool you don't want), so you may prefer somebody like Fisherman Ronald, who gives one less Attack effort point but is a lot more accessible:

Fisherman Ronald

Location: Route 21, below Pallet Town. If you Surf down the route, you will soon come to two sand islands with Fishermen standing on them; he is the one on the left island.

Pokémon: Seaking lv. 28 (1020 EXP, 2 ATK), Goldeen lv. 28 (666 EXP, 1 ATK), Seaking lv. 28 (1020 EXP, 2 ATK), Seaking lv. 28 (1020 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 3726

Total Effort Points: 7 Attack

Reward: 2016P

Then again, if you're feeling like some EXP and are using a pretty high-leveled Pokémon, you may want to just go with Cooltrainer Leroy and switch out when he sends out his Slowbro and Kangaskhan. Remember that he is right by the Chansey Dance house, so even though reaching him from a location you can Fly to is tedious, it won't be difficult to heal.

Cooltrainer "Most Experience for a Single VS-Seekerable Trainer in the Game" Leroy

Location: Sevault Canyon, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, all the way down through the grass, and then up the stairs on the right. Then just follow the path until you come to a large staircase; go down there, through the grass, and then either Rock Smash the rugged rock or walk around it through the grass. Go up the stairs on the left, and then head down until you have gone down another staircase. In the grass below, there are two Cooltrainers; he is the one that's further up.

Pokémon: Rhydon lv. 52 (2270 EXP, 2 ATK), Slowbro lv. 54 (1897 EXP, 2 DEF), Kangaskhan lv. 52 (1950 EXP, 1 HP), Machamp lv. 52 (2149 EXP, 3 ATK), Ursaring lv. 55 (2227 EXP, 2 ATK)

Total EXP: 10493

Total Effort Points: 1 HP, 7 Attack, 2 Defense

Reward: 1980P

Then there are a couple of trainers that give six points for Attack, but I can't be bothered to list those. If Fisherman Ronald's Goldeen and Seaking are giving you trouble for some reason, just press Ctrl+F in your browser and search for "6 Attack", which will show you the other options.


When training for Defense, Cycling Road is your best bet as a place to go, because it has the two trainers that give the most Effort Points in Defense, Biker William and Biker Ruben. Even better, Biker William's Pokémon are low-leveled. If shooting for more experience or just less time (since William has five Pokémon you need to beat but Ruben only three), however, Ruben will be a better choice.

Biker William

Location: The lower part of Cycling Road (Route 17). Near the bottom of Cycling Road (before the slope ends), it narrows a little into two clean lanes on which there are no trainers. Just above where it narrows, William is cycling around below a "lake". On Cycling Road, the best way to use the VS Seeker is to stop yourself in the slope by holding down B first and then pressing Start (or Select) while still holding B.

Pokémon: Koffing lv. 25 (610 EXP, 1 DEF), Weezing lv. 25 (925 EXP, 2 DEF), Koffing lv. 25 (610 EXP, 1 DEF), Koffing lv. 25 (610 EXP, 1 DEF), Weezing lv. 25 (925 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 3680

Total Effort Points: 7 Defense

Reward: 500P

Biker Ruben

Location: The very top of Cycling Road (Route 16). There are six trainers on bikes there; he is the leftmost one in the upper row.

Pokémon: Weezing lv. 48 (1779 EXP, 2 DEF), Weezing lv. 48 (1779 EXP, 2 DEF), Weezing lv. 48 (1779 EXP, 2 DEF)

Total EXP: 5337

Total Effort Points: 6 Defense

Reward: 960P

Special Attack

Engineer Bernie is definitely your best bet here. Three Pokémon, six Special Attack Effort Points, and only level 28. The bad part is, of course, Magneton's many resistances. Higher-leveled Pokémon might want to try PKMN Ranger Madeline, with two level 55 Vileplume and also six Special Attack Effort Points, but she isn't the easiest trainer in the world to access.

Engineer Bernie

Location: Route 11. Walk down as soon as you enter the open area with the grass, road and trainers, and then walk right on the road until you come to a bald man in a white shirt. This is Bernie.

Pokémon: Magneton lv. 28 (966 EXP, 2 SPA), Magneton lv. 28 (966 EXP, 2 SPA), Magneton lv. 28 (966 EXP, 2 SPA)

Total EXP: 2898

Total Effort Points: 6 Special Attack

Reward: 1344P

PKMN Ranger Madeline

Location: Canyon Entrance, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge and through the grass patch below that. Then step up the stairs on the right, go down through another grass patch and a flight of stairs, and you will see two Pokémon Rangers in the grass below. She is the one on the left.

Pokémon: Vileplume lv. 55 (2167 EXP, 3 SPA), Vileplume lv. 55 (2167 EXP, 3 SPA)

Total EXP: 4334

Total Effort Points: 6 Special Attack

Reward: 1980P

However, if Bernie and his Magneton's resistances are giving you trouble, you might just want to shoot a little lower and try Picnicker Kindra instead, or even Swimmer Female Abigail, although she requires a little Surfing:

Picnicker Kindra

Location: Route 15, fourth trainer you see below the ledge after you come out of the gatehouse from Fuchsia City and head right.

Pokémon: Gloom lv. 28 (792 EXP, 2 SPA), Oddish lv. 28 (468 EXP, 1 SPA), Oddish lv. 28 (468 EXP, 1 SPA)

Total EXP: 1728

Total Effort Points: 4 Special Attack

Reward: 560P

Swimmer Female Abigail

Location: Ember Path near One Island. If you swim right from One Island, she is just there on a little sand island.

Pokémon: Psyduck lv. 35 (600 EXP, 1 SPA), Psyduck lv. 36 (616 EXP, 1 SPA), Golduck lv. 37 (1378 EXP, 2 SPA)

Total EXP: 2594

Total Effort Points: 4 Special Attack

Reward: 148P

Special Defense

The most convenient person here is definitely Aroma Lady Miah. Her two Bellossom, while high-leveled, have many weaknesses, and they give six points total, the highest you're going to get from one trainer when it comes to Special Defense:

Aroma Lady Miah

Location: Canyon Entrance, Seven Island. From the town, go downwards on the bridge; she'll be in a flower patch on the right just as you've crossed the bridge.

Pokémon: Bellossom lv. 50 (1971 EXP, 3 SPD), Bellossom lv. 50 (1971 EXP, 3 SPD)

Total EXP: 3942

Total Effort Points: 6 Special Defense

Reward: 1400P

However, if you feel like something a bit lower-leveled, you can try Swimmer Female Amara. There aren't a lot of other good choices, unfortunately.

Swimmer Female Amara

Location: Treasure Beach, or well, technically on the way to Treasure Beach. From One Island, Surf out from the pier and then go down. You'll see her on the way.

Pokémon: Seel lv. 36 (771 EXP, 1 SPD), Seel lv. 36 (771 EXP, 1 SPD), Dewgong lv. 36 (1357 EXP, 2 SPD)

Total EXP: 2899

Total Effort Points: 4 Special Defense

Reward: 144P


Now, this is something else. Speed is the easiest stat to effort train, ever. First and foremost, we have Picnicker Susie, whose five Pokémon give a whopping total of 12 Effort Points for Speed:

Picnicker Susie

Location: The Silence Bridge part of Route 13. If you go down from Route 12, she will be the third trainer you meet after entering route 13.

Pokémon: Pidgeot lv. 52 (1915 EXP, 3 SPE), Persian lv. 52 (1648 EXP, 2 SPE), Raticate lv. 52 (1291 EXP, 2 SPE), Raichu lv. 52 (1359 EXP, 3 SPE), Persian lv. 52 (1648 EXP, 2 SPE)

Total EXP: 7861

Total Effort Points: 12 Speed

Reward: 1040P

However, her Pokémon are rather high-leveled, and it takes a little while to reach her, so you might want to settle for a bit less. Lass Megan gives ten Effort Points for Speed in four Pokémon and then has a Nidorino, which you might either want to beat with the Pokémon you're training (if it's a physical attacker) or just switch:

Lass Megan

Location: Route 8. From Lavender Town, walk out the left exit and follow the road down, left, up again and then left again until you come to a cluster of four trainers standing together. She is the bottom one.

Pokémon: Pidgeot lv. 46 (1695 EXP, 3 SPE), Raticate lv. 47 (1167 EXP, 2 SPE), Nidorino lv. 47 (1188 EXP, 2 ATK), Persian lv. 47 (1489 EXP, 2 SPE), Raichu lv. 48 (1254 EXP, 3 SPE)

Total EXP: 6793

Total Effort Points: 2 Attack, 10 Speed

Reward: 768P

If you like trainers with only two Pokémon that give six Effort Points in the stat in question, you might want to consider Picnicker Becky:

Picnicker Becky

Location: Route 15 above the ledge. You need to go right along the length of the route to get to a Cuttable tree above you, Cut it and then go left; she's the first trainer you come across.

Pokémon: Raichu lv. 54 (1411 EXP, 3 SPE), Raichu lv. 54 (1411 EXP, 3 SPE)

Total EXP: 2822

Total Effort Points: 6 Speed

Reward: 1080P

On the other hand, if you don't care about being quick or getting a lot of experience and just want it easy, nothing beats the good old staple six-Magikarp Fisherman:

Fisherman "Why the Hell Haven't You Evolved Those Already" Wade

Location: Route 21, below Pallet Town. If you Surf down the route, you will soon come to two sand islands with Fishermen standing on them; he is the one on the right island.

Pokémon: Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE), Magikarp lv. 47 (201 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1206

Total Effort Points: 6 Speed

Reward: 3384P

And if you want it really low-leveled, you can always go with Bird Keeper Perry.

Bird Keeper Perry

Location: Route 13, the "maze". He is situated right at the top of it somewhere in the middle, facing right and blocking one passage of the maze.

Pokémon: Spearow lv. 25 (310 EXP, 1 SPE), Pidgey lv. 25 (294 EXP, 1 SPE), Pidgey lv. 25 (294 EXP, 1 SPE), Spearow lv. 25 (310 EXP, 1 SPE), Spearow lv. 25 (310 EXP, 1 SPE)

Total EXP: 1518

Total Effort Points: 5 Speed

Reward: 600P

Hope that helped.

Page last modified February 6 2024 at 22:27 UTC


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