Gen I Catch Rate Calculator

Other catch rate calculators: Gen II, Gen III/IV, Gen V, Gen VI/VII, Gen VIII, Gen IX

Calculate your chances of capturing a Pokémon in R/B/Y at a given status and health with a given ball using this tool. If you're curious about how this works, see the Gen I Capture Mechanics page.


Approximation of current HP:

If checked, you will see the results for each possible HP IV if they would yield different results, along with the game's approximation of your chances in each case and how many times the ball is going to wobble if the capture fails (see the capture mechanics page); otherwise, you'll see the overall chance assuming you know nothing about the IV. This is only very meaningful at full or less than 1/3 HP, since the approximation of the Pokémon's current HP is not exact.

Page last modified February 24 2023 at 21:29 UTC