Newest Updates
01/01/25: Happy 2025!
Happy new year! 2025 sure seemed like a faraway, distant future when I started this website, but here we are, still kicking in the final year of the first quarter of the twenty-first century.
On New Year's Day, I like to look back and reflect on the year and the people I'm grateful for, so here's a non-exhaustive list of some of the people I'd like to thank for 2024:
- All of my greatly valued internet friends, for the many conversations we've had and laughs we've shared
- Jackie, Chibi, elyvorg and Dannichu in particular, whom I got to see in person this year, for their lovely company and great times together
- Negrek, for our regular watch-togethers and invaluable writing sprints, and particularly facilitating me finally finishing and publishing Groundhog Dave
- Psychic and Teagan, for continuing to do adorable Pokémon baking streams, newsletters that made me smile, and recommending The Beekeeper, which was a silly, glorious time
- Altissimo, for continuing to loyally send me corrections to the Gen II Locations and creating her own resource
- Darren of Johto Times, for continuing to publish fascinating interviews and stories from the early days of Pokémon in a newsletter that I'm honored to be a part of, and for adding TCoD's Bluesky account to a starter pack that really gave it a head start
- Quiara, for sparking the R/S/E Roulette article
- Damian001, who added an archive link from 2002 to the Bulbapedia article on the Mew glitch in October 2023, which at the beginning of the year led me down a rabbit hole that eventually resulted in me finally uncovering what was going on with my glitched Jolteon back on Yellow, two decades ago
- The staff and players of the Heartache RPG, which I'm continuing to enjoy
- Game Freak, for taking their time with the next Pokémon games
- The Thousand Roads community, still my primary home on the internet
- The participants in the Thousand Roads book clubs in particular, with whom I've enjoyed reading and discussing Homestuck and now the Pokémon Adventures manga
- Likewise, those who followed my own liveblogging of Njáls saga, which gave me a chance to geek about a piece of my culture this summer
- My husband Shadey, whom I've been with for eighteen years now
- My parents, still lovely people I'm thrilled to spend regular time with
- My grandpa and my grandma, whom I love dearly
- My cat Birta, for being so cute that I love her even when she is continually trapping me in awkward positions
- My patrons, for their generosity
- Everyone who actually read Groundhog Dave, my R/S/E roulette article and the glitched Jolteon essay - I may not have published all too much content this year but I'm deeply fond of all of these, in their own completely different ways
- Capcom, for finally officially localizing Ace Attorney Investigations: Prosecutor's Gambit, one of the best games in the Ace Attorney series
- Sergio Leone, for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, my current obsession, and indirectly causing me to get a whole lot better at drawing realistic humans
- Ashley Cope, for making me cry multiple times with Unsounded this year
- Everyone still creating and visiting old-school fansites in this day and age
I hope you all had a decent 2024 and that your 2025 turns out well! Here's to more neat content in 2025.
11/28/24: Housekeeping
A fairly minor update today. The other day I made the site an account on Bluesky; this has now been added to the link menu under Support/Follow along with the other socials. It will report on updates to the site specifically, the same way as the Twitter account.
The other thing of note is that I combed back through my e-mail to go through some error reports that'd slipped through the cracks. Updates include:
- Somehow, my D/P Changes page from 2007 did not actually contain anything about gender differences. I'm a bit mystified by the omission, but I have added one (into the middle of my seventeen-year-old self's writing, ugh).
- The shiny Cosmog sprite in Pokémon Home was updated in 2022 to have red cheeks, while I still had the original version which had blue cheeks and was only distinguished from the non-shiny version by being a bit lighter. This was the sprite used in the Favorite Pokémon Picker. I have now updated it to the new shiny version.
- The Evolution List was missing some Hisuian Pokémon's new evolution methods in S/V and some of the alternatives to location-based evolutions introduced in Sw/Sh and S/V, as well as a couple of the locations for location-based evolutions.
- The Stat Stages page was missing a couple of later-generation changes and I had also managed to write Anger Point instead of Anger Shell everywhere the latter ability was listed.
- The D/P/Pt Places to Train said Pearl had Glameow on Route 214 rather than Sudowoodo.
- The HG/SS Changes were missing a couple of minor changes to Mt. Moon Square.
- ...and several other minor fixes here and there.
There were a few unaddressed reports I found that I would need to look into a bit more thoroughly, but I've at least been through the low-hanging fruit. Apologies to everyone who submited something ages ago that I only got to now!
11/02/24: Twenty-Two
It's been yet another year!
Twenty twenty-five draws near.
Happy birthday, dear website!
I bring comments, so cheer.
The Cave of Dragonflies is twenty-two years old today. It's been an interesting year for the site - fewer updates than I would have liked, but I'm very fond of all the things I have put up this year. I've had a lot going on, but I'm still hoping to get more site updates in before the end of the year.
For this anniversary, I've added the ability to post comments at the bottom of most pages of the site, as a fun little experiment. This makes it a little easier and more straightforward to comment directly on particular content than when you'd have to do it as a guestbook post or update comment. Behind the scenes, like with update comments, page comments actually just go into the guestbook, to make it easier for me to keep track, but will also appear on their respective pages. Some pages don't have comments, either for technical reasons or because I didn't think it made much sense, but comments being enabled is the default for most text-based pages, which is the vast majority; I may go on to disable comments on particular pages or such going forward, though.
Right now, there aren't threaded replies or anything; I figured there wasn't much reason to get into that before knowing if the feature would even see much use. But I might fiddle with it if it might be neat later.
In the meantime, I'm still hoping to actually adapt some more of those Tumblr posts. That one's been on hold pretty much entirely because almost immediately after the Jolteon article I got distracted by a particularly all-consuming obsession with 1966 Western The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Over thirty thousand words of rambling later, though, I can probably recover some focus for other things soon.
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The Almighty Random Poll
Pokémon Go, the augmented-reality mobile game where you look for Pokémon in the real world, has taken the world by storm - but are you playing it?

The Site Poll
Let's do this again. Given these are things I want to do, which of them should I do first?

Page last modified January 1 2025 at 18:06 UTC