
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


regarding the Pokémon mechanics for generation seven, you said you weren’t sure about the grass. I wanted to let you know that patches that are difficult to access/depress with the character, that are taller than the rest, usually the patches have space to walk around them, look for those. sometimes the further away the easier to spot, especially if they’re near an NPC or an obstacle better yet, three, are absolute hotspots…

[18/10/2024 01:59:47]


while i do not play pokemon, this website is beautiful. i wish you good luck in everything you do

[17/10/2024 02:06:49]

Website: Click here

this is genuinely the coolest pokemon site i've visited!!!! stay safe <3

[12/10/2024 16:46:01]

Website: Candy Cathy's Garage

If someone owned 10 Wimpod, then said they were half-joking aboot that statement, then would that mean they only owned 5 Wimpod? This truly is a philosophical question.

[12/10/2024 05:43:10]


I remember finding this site when I was a kid and getting interested in Pokemon fanfiction! Thinking about old internet nostalgia and wanting to make my own site at some point I wanted to see if I could find this place again and lo and behold! Lovely to see it still around and familiar as ever. :D

[11/10/2024 01:42:53]


*zygarde appears in route 1* Wait, what *throws PokeBall* *catches* ???????????????????

[10/10/2024 11:09:48]


Good job keeping this page running for a long time.

[09/10/2024 18:25:03]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

@PluslbiiMale: Aww, I remember your username! Thanks for stopping by after all this time; always fun to see familiar faces popping in again.

[01/10/2024 20:46:54]


wow. I can't believe this site is still going. I used to post here in the previous iteration of this guestbook circa 2004-2006. (from what I can figure, based on the earliest posts in this new one, it had to be wiped and restarted at some point). I was 13 years old. I'm 33 now, and it is blowing my mind to see this site still going and going strong. Hope you are well Butterfree and anyone else who has stuck around through the years.

[01/10/2024 09:10:43]

Candy Cathy
Website: Candy Cathy's Garage

I found one of the old sections of your site thats no longer in the menu bar, the old AAP section inspired by Mewtwofan's AAP section that was there before the new AAP section. Now i shall search for old not on the menu bars pages of this site lol.

[23/09/2024 13:26:07]

Commenting on: 09-16-24

Sometimes, loving a glitched Pokemon can lead you to places you usually wouldn't go. I'm still working up the courage to rediscover and see if I can truly understand my own glitched Alakazam I fell in love with (from a glitch which involved Pokemon Blue showing Box 13 in the trade menu in Pokemon Stadium 2, and it taking data from there and turning it into a Pokemon.) I think I understand most of it - but there's still parts I want to figure out, and someday, I will. [ As an example: It had a blank name at some points, but had a mix of ? and V at other times. But perhaps I'm remembering wrong! ]

Your dear Jolteon is such a fascinating creature, and I'm glad you've finally figured out how it worked.

[23/09/2024 08:39:02]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-16-24

Glad you enjoyed it! If you're willing, it could be helpful if you let me know what bits you got lost on, in case I can make it a little clearer - I do want to try to make an article like this reasonably accessible to laymen.

[22/09/2024 13:37:55]

Commenting on: 09-16-24

Interesting article! I didn't understand the more complicated parts (stuff like that can be confusing to me), but it was still fun to read. I remember hearing about your glitched Jolteon years and years ago when I was a kid. I forget where, but I always kind of wondered how this Jolteon was glitched, and now I know.

[22/09/2024 08:36:22]

Shadey the Bunny
Website: Candy Cathy's Chaotic Basement
Commenting on: 09-16-24

Glitched Jolteon? Whoa imma have to check this article out ASAP!

[21/09/2024 06:18:45]


you should update the personality section of the D/P changes to use a chart instead of a long string of text inside parentheses in the middle of a sentence

[08/09/2024 18:46:15]

Website: Candy Cathy's Chaotic Basement

Just rolled by to say that i love this website and this place is the reason i decided to make my own website :3
Also, @Greenjolteon.Wha- Huh. What. uhhhhh

[30/08/2024 07:19:23]


just passing through but i just wanted to say that i love this website :)

[22/08/2024 22:15:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

@Ant: I haven't checked this specifically, but might if I get a good chance. I would expect it counts from the beginning of the battle, though. In Gen 3, Timer Balls don't max out until 40 turns have passed, so they're still unlikely to have maxed out by the time the Shadow Pokémon gets sent out in most cases.

[18/08/2024 12:49:04]


Hey admin. Want to confirm something about Timer Ball for gen 3's calculator. In Colosseum and XD, does the turn count begin from the start of battle, or only when the shadow pokemon is sent out? if it start counting from the start of battle, Timer Ball would actually be quite OP since shadow pokemon is usually sent out last. just think that this information should be noted down somewhere on the explanation page.

[18/08/2024 09:06:27]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It's linked in the latest update as well as in the footer on every page!

[10/08/2024 13:08:29]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC