Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
Viktor Heinrich
Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: /pollI love pokemon
[14/02/2025 00:32:56]
Viktor Heinrich
Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: /pollI love pokemon
[14/02/2025 00:24:18]
Commenting on: /zodiacI've been following this zodiac for like 600 days straight now
[13/02/2025 13:43:47]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's absurd on the face of it to trademark the actual legal name of a country that has been used for over a thousand years. It does make the news, as an absurd legal thing, but no one's actually worried about it, just sort of "Wow, get a load of these clowns."
[12/02/2025 14:32:57]
So, there is a supermarket chain that keeps on trying to trademark the word 'Iceland'. They've been trying to get it for years. They temporarily got it back in 2014, then lost it in 2016 after threatning to sue Icelandic companies for using the word of their own country. Does this often make the news regularly over in Iceland? And if they did get the trademark, how annoying would that be for residents in Iceland? Thought I'd ask you since you're from Iceland.
[12/02/2025 09:56:07]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-viii-catch-rateThis is based on the actual game code, so it ought to be. Which game are you playing, what ball are you using, where are you encountering them, what level are they and what level is the Pokémon you're using when you try to catch them? And do you have all eight badges?
[11/02/2025 21:04:35]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-viii-catch-rateThere is no possible way this is even remotely accurate. Swablu and Croagunk consistently takes me at least like 5 Pokeballs to catch at 10% HP.
[11/02/2025 16:43:20]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-vi-vii-catch-rate@Charlotte: I'm not Butterfree, but according to recent updates, this site is 22 years old, and started when Butterfree was 12, in 2002!
[11/02/2025 16:19:13]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-vi-vii-catch-ratehow old is this site omg
[11/02/2025 15:28:55]
The Gen III locations search function is missing Two Island and Three Island, I believe. (Sevii Islands, FireRed/LeafGreen).
[11/02/2025 12:34:06]
Fluffy One
Commenting on: /kanto/frlg-walkthroughTo get the five free pokeballs from Professor Oak in Pallet Town in the original Red and Blue you needto defeat your rival to the right of Viridian City with a pokedex count of 1 caught. If you return to Oak after doing so he will give you the five pokeballs. You cannot catch anything or evolve your starter first.
[07/02/2025 18:07:34]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: /zodiacForms are shown in an arbitrary order. Please stop spamming my comments.
[06/02/2025 16:41:52]
Commenting on: /zodiacH O W A R E T H E M I N I O R O R D E R E D ?
[06/02/2025 00:43:23]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-i-catch-rateidk either
[05/02/2025 18:57:44]
Commenting on: /zodiacW H Y I S T H E O R D E R O F T H E F O R M S O F U N O W N M E S S E D U P ?
[05/02/2025 14:16:45]
Pikapika... Pikaaaa... CHU!
Commenting on: /zodiacPikapika. Chu! Pika! PIKA!!! CHU! Pikapikachuchu! (Where's Pikachu in a cap and spiky-eared Pichu? I'm gonna Thunder Shock you!)
[05/02/2025 14:14:24]
Commenting on: /zodiacShouldn't the Day of the Beasts be in the Reign of Necrozma?
[05/02/2025 14:10:28]
Commenting on: /calculators/gen-iii-iv-catch-rategod bless
[04/02/2025 03:19:53]
Commenting on: /opinions-theories/the-mew-trickYou could have been the one to rediscover the Mew Glitch… and you did not. So sad :-(
[03/02/2025 14:01:23]
Commenting on: /evolution-list@max: I think that's because there's no day/night cycle in LGPE.
[02/02/2025 15:45:11]
Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC