
11/28/23: The Little Things

Something of a random little update today. First, with thanks to Altissimo, I've corrected a couple of things in the Gen II Locations (Crystal's Route 3 encounters had Raticate instead of Sandshrew) and Gen IV Locations (a previously unknown encounter set was actually the list for Mt. Moon Square during the Monday Clefairy event) - remember I appreciate all bug reports.

Second, I got an e-mail from a fan of the Number Game who suggested a mode where you can use it like flashcards, where instead of having to type in the Pokémon's name you just picture it in your head and then flip the card over to see if you got it right. That sounded reasonable and kind of fun and I'm always energized by people being enthusiastic about some of the more random things I've made, so I whipped that up and also gave the Number Game page a little bit of a makeover - the instructions are now collapsible, and the number and Pokémon visually shows up on a little 'card' that's a bit more aesthetically pleasing. Let me know what you think.

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