Poll results

Poll 31: How many front page hits do you think you've given me?

Exactly one.
551 (10%)
Just a few, like no more than ten or so.
1019 (18%)
Some, but hardly any more than, say, a hundred.
1167 (20%)
A couple hundred, maybe.
543 (9%)
An awful lot; more than a few hundred.
375 (7%)
It would be measured in the thousands, definitely.
361 (6%)
It's all an illusion. There are no visitors. It's just me refreshing the page over and over.
1119 (19%)
You suck so much that I used my psychic powers to prevent it from incrementing the counter.
615 (11%)

5750 votes total

Page last modified August 13 2016 at 02:34 UTC