
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


There's nothing wrong with revealing your team. Mine was Infernape, Lucario, Luxray, Roserade, Staraptor, and Manaphy (legally obtained).

Right now, I'm on a Legend of Zelda spree. I got Zelda Classic, and after I beat that I'll start creating my own game, using the program.

[27/08/2008 22:56:23]

Emerald Espeon
Commenting on: 08-27-08

Woo, first comment :D

Anyways, I read some of it. It helped :D So thanks :P

[27/08/2008 19:29:36]


I prefer male starters to females- I can't picture any of them except maybe Chikorita to even BE female in the first place. I like Latias though- she's awesome, I have got a lotta females on my team, my Nidoqueen, my Togekiss, my Gyara- wait- why am I revealing half my team here?

Alakazam for spammifier.

@:meowzie-chan: Ditto- Morphic rocks though, don't you think?

[27/08/2008 17:27:17]


I get female starters when I don't try. When I do, it takes about 15-20 resets. :/

[27/08/2008 16:15:11]

Emerald Espeon

For some reason I always view female Pokémon as more valuable. It's weird.

ZOMGZOMGZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Espeon for the spammifier WOOT WOOT :P …End random spazz.

[27/08/2008 16:06:07]


I DID get a female Chimchar, though. In fact, all my Pokemon on my team happened to be female!

[27/08/2008 11:38:11]

Commenting on: 08-23-08

I feel so sorry for Gabriel after reading this… One of the few people who ever treated him normally is gone now..

[26/08/2008 21:42:10]

Emerald Espeon

I got a girl Turtwig as a starter, too. …But then again, I always reset until my starter's a girl :P

Exeggcute for the spammifier. I always seem to have trouble spelling that one…

[26/08/2008 20:27:57]


Oh yeah? Well I got a [liar]shiny Chimchar as a starter![/liar]

[26/08/2008 20:15:50]

Pikachu Goddess

Sadly, I don't think that those unfair trades on the GTS will vanish.

Oh, and by the way, I got a girl Turtwig as a starter. Extremely lucky, hey?

[26/08/2008 19:22:38]


In my Sapphire, I've got all the non-Hoenn Pokemon, and all the Hoenn ones I've seen. (for example, I've got 'Ho-oh' and 'Mewtwo', but not 'Groudon')

[26/08/2008 15:05:54]

Emerald Espeon

Okay well, what I said about the people who put up really weak Pokémon WAS complaining. But oh well xP Sorry for the double post.

Spinarak for the spammifier.

[26/08/2008 14:52:04]

Emerald Espeon

I got a shiny Pelipper on the GTS, so I'm not complaining :D Course, I had to trade my Lucario for it and I hadn't even breeded it yet…oh well, I wouldn't have used Lucario anyway.

But yeah, I know. It's so annoying when people put up really weak Pokémon in exchange for level 100s, even if they're not legendaries.

Golduck for the spammifier.

[26/08/2008 14:50:20]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Uh, as far as I can remember, you could only select Pokémon you had seen in R/S/E, too. At least "Overwhelming Latias" and "Cool Latios" were essentially version-exclusive phrases unless you'd traded, since only one was in your version.

It does make sense. A significant portion of players do not go on the Internet and memorize all the Pokémon by heart before the games are even out; part of the point of the game is to discover many Pokémon on your own. It's annoying, yeah, but that's why you go to forums and ask somebody for the Pokémon you need instead of using the GTS when you haven't seen it.

[26/08/2008 14:45:23]


Well, it's not like anyone would trade their Ho-oh for a Bidoof anyway. Would it be possible to, say, have all the legendaries (besides the one you've seen) not appear in the search box, and when they're commonly released (by a Nintendo event or new games) send something over the GTS that lets you search for them? (Yeah, that probably wouldn't work…)

[26/08/2008 14:40:21]


Yay, I got my computer back! WiFi isn't too bad (it helped me get

Hippowdon!), but I do hate the people who ask for level 100 Celebi"s for their level 2 weedle.

[26/08/2008 12:03:25]


Of course there is a thing that makes it impossible to get stuff you haven't seen, that is to prevent people from getting the legendaries and stuff. And of course it's designed badly, it was made by Game Freak :P (It is unfortunate that that isn't as much of a joke as I'd like it to be)

[26/08/2008 03:42:38]


It's not like Nintendo doesn't want us to know about the Johto starters or whatever. As soon as you got the National Dex in RSE, all the Kanto and Johto Pokemon appeared as choices for Gabby & Ty's interview, among others.

(sorry about the double post, BTW)

[26/08/2008 01:49:56]


Wifi is designed really badly. Basically, if you haven't seen it, there's no way to get it. Also, there's no 'search for people that want Pokemon X' feature, so you have no idea who wants your female Combee or whatever. It's also spammed with noobs that have no chance in Hell of getting a lv 100 Ho-oh for their lv 4 Bidoof. >:(

[26/08/2008 01:46:03]


hey, nice site! xP i really like how unique it is. o.o

[25/08/2008 23:03:26]

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