01/20/07 Gotta love Pokémon.com...

Sorry about the lack of updates here at the Cave of Speculative Theories lately. There hasn't been very much of particular groundbreaking interest in the news.

But there has been some, so to recap: Pokémon.com has revealed quite a few translations in its D/P section. Professor Nanakamado is called Professor Rowan (although funnily enough, they wrote the Japanese name on the latest page of information... awkward slip-up, dearies). The ability Moist Body has been given the name Hydration; however, Manaphy's signature move Heart Swap keeps its name. The starting city of Futaba Town is called Twinleaf Town. Team Galaxy is called Team Galactic. The gadget is called a Pokétch as most people had guessed, and, wait for it...

Diaruga and Parukia have been officially confirmed to be Dialga and Palkia.

W00tw00t. Better go change the spam verification here at the CoST. :P

(Chatot has been officially confirmed as Perappu's name, by the way.)

Lastly, Pokémon.com has also revealed how to get Manaphy in Pokémon Ranger. Go there for the full instructions.


(Comments are closed.)

Mr. Pelipper
I like being the first to comment. ^_^

Anyways, here are my comments on the translations:

Proffesor Rowan: Fits very nicely. Wait a sec while I google Rowan trees. *does so* Well, it seems a Rowan tree is a pretty sissy tree, if you ask me, not suiting at all to Proffesor Nanakamado's hard and cold look and possible manner. Oh well, the way it sounds fits his persona. ^_^

Hydration: Moist Body sounded majestic. Hydration sounds scientific. Manaphy is more a majestic, mysterious pokemon than it is scientific. So yeah, I like Moist Body better.

Heart Swap: Fits the above rule, and sounded nice anyway, but I always give creativity points to NOA/PUSA when they come up with creative names, which this, obviously, is not.

Twinleaf Town: WoW. Once again, creativity points for you guys, but what's your theme gonna be? I'm scared/anxious to find out.

Team Galactic: Sounds more evil, it's good. Also, Team Galaxy sounds more mysterious, which this team does not seem to be.

Poketch: Fine as it is, it even sounds like a watch brand! :O

Dialga: When you say "Diaruga", it sounds like you're howling, making the name seem all the more vicious. Dialga doesn't sound like that, which makes me sad. It also makes me sad that they didn't do a creative romanization, like how they got Rayquaza from Rekkuza, or used the first couple letters in DNA to counterpart Deokishisu? I hope they're creative like that with the remaining legendaries.

Chatot: I don't like the name, but there are two things about that. 1. Brownie points for creativity, and 2. It's growing on me. :D Unlike that dreadful name Mime Jr. which was predictable AND sucktacular. D:

Oh yeah, and I have a Wii now, so the only thing I have to do to be ready for PBR is get the Geek Squad to come to my house and tell me my WEP code. :D
Oh, Dialga and Palkia... Dialga sounds like this to me:

*Dials operator*

Hello. You have reached the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl hotline. If you wish to hear about Pokémon Diamond, please dial ga.

And Palkia...

Ash: Pikachu was my first Pokémon.
Interviewer: So Pikachu must be your best friend.
Ash: Oh, Pikachu! You bet! He's my best pal[kia]!

So that's the only thing I hate. Dial and Pal. =P
Butterfree (Website)
Personally, I imagine Dialga as being pronounced with the stress on the second syllable, like "Di-AHL-ga". Sounds much better to me that way.
Pyroken Serafoculus
Hydration, Twinleaf, and Prof. Rowan sound all right to me, but it's Dialga and Palkia that bug me the most. It sounds so... tame. Very unlike those behemoths of steel. Same with Team Galactic; it sounds refined, but it loses its inexplicable feel, if you know what I mean.

... Why am I even obsessing over this, anyway? It's not as if I'll ever get the game...
I'm so nicknaming mt Dialga Diaruga. Dialga sounds ugly!

Palkia's okay, but Parukia pwns. Let's hope the other names are good!
Heerree we go again.
Malachite Treecko
Well, I hate the names Dialga and Palkia. Romanizations already bug me. I hate that Wikipedia always uses the romanizations, like Rentorer for Rentoraa. It is FRUSTRATING that they made bad romanizations the official English name. And these don't even sound good. Lucario and Manaphy are OK, but Dialga and Palkia sounds AWFUL.

F*r h*lv*t* (sorry)
Butterfree (Website)
I hope you people are aware that the only reason the Japanese names weren't written as "Dialga", "Palkia", "Rentorer", etc. is that those are impossible to write using the Japanese alphabet. :/ "Diaruga" and "Dialga" are essentially the same name, except you can mispronounce "Diaruga" to sound cooler. And sure, that's fun, but it's still a mispronunciation. Saying the Japanese name was so much cooler is really saying that the Japanese name is much easier to mispronounce in a cool way.
Malachite Treecko
I am aware of that, but I don't care of pronouncation (sp?), just text and spelling.
Mr. Pelipper
Mispronounciation? I thought they were interchangeable. XD

And you're right, if you say it "Di-AHL-ga" it does sound kooler and more intimidating. Like when Lucario went freaky-rabid-weasel-with-rabees on those holograms in the eighth movie. Which makes it awesome, but only a 1/2 a point less awesome than the mispronounciation. XD
Dialga sounds okay, but I prefer Diaruga. Professer Rowan's a cool name.
Da guy
Palkia pwns