Molzapart (Unodostres) (Heeheehee... “Unodostres”... XD)


Molzapart (or Unodostres) is the most powerful pokémon. (Gee, we can already tell where this is going, can’t we?) There is only one that was born when Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Mew were playing together at Articuno’s home, at Seafoam Islands. (They were... playing. Right...) They saw the ultra-powerful Mist stone (there I was, influenced by fake cheats) and thaught (yay for no spellcheck) is (yay for uncorrected typos) was a Geodude, so they attacked. Articuno used Blizzard, Zapdos used Thunder, Moltres used Fire blast and Mew used Psychic. (All to attack some Geodude? o_O And a Geodude that doesn’t have any arms at that?) These attacks all hit the Mist stone at once and it broke. Most of the parts were found by people working on a gameshark so they put it in (wait, what? This is some strange fic/game integration here), some parts landed in the Seafoam Islands cave, but those parts weren’t many, so few trainers have found a Mist stone in the cave. (Fake cheats ahoy! I did know it was fake, but I already wanted to “explain” how there could be a Mist stone that some people claimed to have found.) But, the middle part of the Mist stone was left. It stood right before the eyes of the legendary birds and Mew, it glowed after the Fire blast, sparks came out of it because of the Thunder, it was frozen solid because of the Blizzard and it was flying few cm from earth because of Mew’s Psychic. (Is it just me, or does that contradict itself? It’s frozen solid AND glowing with heat?) And it turned to life. It transformed into an ultra-powerful pokémon with Moltes’s head, Zapdos’s body and Articuno’s wings and tailfeathers. (Whoo! A cliché has been born!) It didn’t look like Mew at all, but it had Mew’s psychic powers. Maybe it’s because Psychic’s base damage is only 90, but Fire blast’s, Thunder’s and Blizzard’s is 120. (Whee, gamelike speculation!) It attacked them with Peck, but they were quick enough to avoid the attack an run.

A scientist few years ago had a dream about this pokémon. He told the other scientists the dream, and one of them had the same dream. They found the pokémon soon. (Uh, right. No need to explain how they did that or anything. Nope...) They didn’t belive their eyes when their pokédex told them “this is a mysterious pokémon that is fire/electric/ice/flying/psychic-type and can know five attacks at a time. No data avaiable.” (Aside from the awful spelling and grammar – it’s a little interesting because I’m making completely different errors from the kinds of errors native English speakers make – it is very strange that the Pokédex would know that Molzapart has five types and can know five attacks at a time, and even still consider itself to have “no data available”.) Five types and five attacks!? A new pokémon? But, they aren’t famous jet. (XD Oh dear... I didn’t notice before that I didn’t know how to write “yet” when I wrote this...) Why? Well, they found out too that on level 100 it has 999 in all of it’s status. (Ack, technicalities and bad spelling... The funny thing is that originally it was 500, not 999, but then I saw a fake screenshot of a Pokémon with 999 in all stats, and I didn’t want Molzapart to be less powerful than it, so I changed it.) And it isn’t just powerful, it knows it is, so it can really kill other pokémon – and humans. If they told everyone, every trainer would try to capture it, and it would kill them, because it knows it can and it’s proud. It would never allow anything to control it. Only if a trainer really knows he can’t catch it and respects it, maybe it would help him if he is losing an important battle and knows it is much more powerful than himself, it might help. (...just o_O;) The scientists gave it the name Molzapart or Unodostres and its pokédex data is: If some trainer thinks he can capture it, nothing can stop it from killing the trainer and his pokémon and use its psychic powers to make everyone forget the trainer, even his parents. (Um... pleasant Pokédex entry. XD)

Molzapart’s attacks:

Level   Attack

---        Peck

6          Thundershock

7          Ember

8          Powder snow

9          Gust

15        Confusion

18        Icy wind

20        Wing attack

22        Flame wheel

23        Spark

24        Psybeam

26        Fly (the only pokémon that can learn Fly by itself, but it can forget it.) (This was before Rayquaza, by the way, so that was true at the time.)

30        Drill peck

34        Psychic

35        Thunderbolt

36        Flamethrower

37        Ice beam

40        Aeroblast

41        Sacred fire

42        Zap cannon

45        Fire spin

50        Blizzard

51        Fire blast

52        Thunder

55        Sky attack


So – here they are, Molzapart’s attacks. Well, all of its attacks are damaging. (Gee, you think?) That’s because (...either this long explanation here, or just because I happened to use only damaging attacks for my Pokémon in the games at the time, and didn’t want Molzapart to learn anything I considered “useless” – as a matter of fact, the “learning five moves” thing was just because I wanted it to be able to know one move of each of its type at the same time) its status (confusing stats and status again) is so high, it doesn’t need attacks that lowers the enemy’s status or hightens its own, and there are three groups of attacks, damaging, status lowering or hightening, and attakcs that do nothing at all except if you are lucky, they inflict a status change, Poison, Freeze, Paralyzis, Sleep, Burn, or Confusion. There are too attacks that inflict special status changes that can by inflicted only by using that attack. On this second, I only remember two, Leech seed and Attract. And – well, there is a tiny little group of attacks that DO NOTHING AT ALL! There is only one attack in this group, can you guess wich? Of course, that attack is Splash, Magikarp and Hoppip know them. But, Hoppip is better because it knows some other attacks too! Magikarp will not learn anything until level 15. (Wow... that was random... XD) But, I’m supposed to be talking about Molzapart now. Anyway, it’s the only pokemon that simply learns an HM move,(except Goldeen and Seaking with Waterfall) but it can forget Fly, just like a normal attack. Well, Molzapart has much higher status than any pokémon so it doesn’t need group two, and it can inflict burn, freeze, paralyzis and confusion with its normal attacks. And there are poison and sleep left. Well, frezze (frezze? o.o) is like an upgraded version of sleep and burn is like an upgraded version of poison. And bird pokémon can’t use poisoning attacks, anyway. Paralysis is mainly speed-and-“accuracy”(because “fully paralysed” works as “attack missed”) lowering and accuracy-lowering is defensive and Molzapart has just enough defense. Burn is better than poison and Molzapart doesn’t need something to be sure it poisons the enemy and it can’t be sure it burns the enemy. And it doesn’t need anything to be sure to make the enemy fall asleep and can’t make sure it gets frozen solid. So Molzapart doesn’t need attacks from group three either. And no pokémon has anything to do with group four! Wow, Molzapart used Splash. If Molzapart were that dumb, no one would want it! (*snickers*)

Molzapart is a pokémon with no weakness. It can, too, do a super effective hit on every type except fire, but with its status, they shouldn’t be a problem. If Articuno were water type, Molzapart would have weakness for electric. If the legendary birds weren’t birds, it would have weakness for ground. You see it almost has weakness for some types. But...I didn’t notice... uh-oh, it has triple wekness for rock-type! Help! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! (...because for some reason I didn’t feel like just scrapping that paragraph.) But, after all, rock-types are slow. Molzapart would just kill them with Blizzard or Ice beam before it could attack Molzapart. No problem, but what about fire/rock type like Maccargo (yay for misspelled Pokémon names)? Doesn’t matter. Molzapart doesn’t need weakness to win in one hit. Forget it, rock-types! Molzapart is much stronger! (I love this passage. “Um... Molzapart is über-powerful! Oh, no, it isn’t! I must come up with some way to excuse that!”)

There is another thing to say. Molzapart can’t be thought TM and HM moves, although it learns Fly on its own. (No reason why, of course... or why anybody would know, since nobody can catch it to try either way.)



Íslenska (This is just included for the sheer o_O-ness – I first wrote the Molzapart passage in English, and then repeated it in Icelandic. If you could read it, you’d realize it’s even more ridiculous, but unfortunately you can’t, so this is just a lesson in Icelandic, I guess.)

Molzapart (eđa Unodostres) er öflugasti pókémoninn. Hann er ađeins einn sinnar tegundar og varđ til ţegar Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres og Mew voru ađ leika sér saman heima hjá Articuno, á Seafoam eyjum. Ţeir sáu hinn ofur-öfluga Ţokustein og héldu ađ hann vćri Geodude, svo ţeir gerđu árás á hann. Articuno notađi Blizzard, Moltres notađi Fire blast, Zapdos notađi Thunder og Mew notađi Psychic. Ţessar árásir hittu Ţokusteininn allar í einu svo hann splundrađist. Meirihlutinn af brotunum fundust af fólki sem mar ađ vinna á leikjahákarli, „Gameshark“, svo ţeir settu brotin međ. Sum brotin lentu í hellinum á Seafoam eyjum, en ţau voru ekki mörg, svo fáir ţjálfarar hafa fundiđ Ţokustein í hellinum. En, miđjuparturinn af Ţokusteininum var eftir. Hann stóđ fyrir augunum á ţjósagnafuglunum og Mew, glóđi eftir Fire blastiđ, neistar skutust úr honum eftir Thunderiđ, hann var frosinn vegna Blizzardsins og sveif í lausu lofti vegna Psychicsins hans Mews. Og Ţokusteinninn varđ lifandi. Hann breyttist í ofuröflugan pókemon međ hausinn af Moltres, líkama Zapdosar og vćngi og stél Articunos. Hann leit ekki út eins og Mew en hafđi hugarorkukrafta hans. Kannski er ţađ vegna ţess ađ grunnskađi Psychics er 90 en grunnskađi Blizzards, Fire blasts og Thunders er 120. Pókemoninn réđst á ţá međ Pecki en ţeir voru nógu fljótir til ađ víkja sér undan og flýja.

Fyrir nokkrum árum dreymdi vísindamann ţennan pókemon. Hann sagđi hinum vísindamönnunum frá draumnum og komst ađ ţví ađ einn ţeirra hafđi dreymt ţađ sama. Ţeir fundu pókemoninn fljótlega. Ţeir trúđu ekki sínum eigin augum ţegar pókedexiđ ţeirra sagđi ţeim ađ „ţetta er dularfullur pókémon sem er eld/rafmagns/ís/fugla/hugarorku pókémon sem getur kunnađ fimm árásir í einu. Engar upplýsingar.“ Fimm tegundir og fimm árásir í einu!? Nýr pókémon? En ţeir eru ekki frćgir ennţá. Af hverju? Ja, ţeir komust ađ ţví líka ađ á 100. stigi er hann međ 500 í öllu. Og hann er ekki bara öflugur, hann veit hann er ţađ, svo hann getur virkilega drepiđ ađra pókémona – og menn. Ef ţeir segđu öllum frá myndu allir ţjálfarar reyna ađ fanga hann og hann myndi drepa ţá, ţví hann veit ađ hann getur ţađ og er stoltur. Hann myndi aldrei nokkurntíma leyfa neinu ađ stjórna sér. Ađeins ef ţjálfari virkilega veit ađ hann getur ekki fangađ Molzapart og virđir hann, kemur Molzapart kannski og hjálpar honum ef hann er ađ tapa mikilvćgri keppni og veit ađ Molzapart er miklu öflugri en hann sjálfur, ţá kemur hann kannski og hjálpar. Vísindamennirnir gáfu honum nafniđ Molzapart eđa Unodostres og upplýsingarnar í pókédexinu eru: Ef ţjálfari heldur ađ hann geti fangađ hann er hann óstöđvandi í ađ drepa ţjálfarann og alla pókémonana hans og nota hugarorkukrafta sína til ađ láta alla gleyma ţjálfaranum, jafnvel foreldra hans.

Árásarmátar Molzaparts:

Stig      Árás

---        Peck (Goggun)

6          Thundershock (Ţrumukraftur)

7          Ember (Íkveikja)

8          Powder snow (Duftsnjór)

9          Gust (Hvirfilvindur)

15        Confusion (Ruglun)

18        Icy wind (Ísvindur)

20        Wing attack (Vćngjaárás)

22        Flame wheel (Eldstrókur)

23        Spark (Neisti)

24        Psybeam (Hugargeisli)

26        Fly (Eini pókemoninn sem getur lćrt Fly sjálfur, en hann getur gleymt ţví.)

30        Drill peck (Borgoggun)

34        Psychic (Hugarorka)

35        Thunderbolt (Ţrumufleygur)

36        Flamethrower (Eldvarpa)

37        Ice beam (Ísgeisli)

40        Aeroblast (Flugkraftur)

41        Sacred fire (Eldkraftur)

42        Zap cannon (Rafmagnsfallbyssa)

45        Fire spin (Eldspuni)

50        Blizzard (Snjóbylur)

51        Fire blast (Spúa eldi)

52        Thunder (Elding)

55        Sky attack (Loftárás)

Jćja, hér eru ţćr, árásir Molzaparts. Ja, ţćr valda allar skađa. Ţađ er vegna ţess ađ stađa hans er svo há ađ hann ţarf ekki árásir til ađ lćkka stöđu andstćđingsins né hćkka sína eigin, og ţađ eru ţrír flokkar af árásum, ţćr sem valda skađa, ţćr sem lćkka eđa hćkka stöđu og ţćr sem gera ekkert nema ef ţú ert heppinn valda ţćr stöđubreytingum, eitrun, frosnun, lömun, íkveikju, svefni eđa ruglun. Ţađ eru líka árásir sem valda sérstökum stöđubreytingum. Í augnablikinu man ég bara eftir tveimur, leech seed (sugulaukur) og attract (ađdráttarafl). Og – ja, ţađ er pínulítill flokkur af árásum sem GERA NÁKVĆMLEGA EKKI NEITT! Ţađ er ađeins ein árás í ţessum flokki – veistu hvađa árás? Auđvitađ er ţađ Splash (sprikl), Magikarp og Hoppip kunna ţađ. En Hoppip er samt betri ţví hann kann ađrar árásir líka! Magikarp lćrir ekkert fyrr en á 15. stigi. En, ég á ađ vera ađ tala um Molzapart núna. Allavega, hann er eini pókémoninn sem lćrir einfaldlega HM,(fyrir utan Goldeen og Seaking međ Waterfall(Foss)) en hann getur gleymt Fly, eins og venjulegri árás. Jćja, Molzapart er međ svo háa stöđu ađ hann ţarf ekki flokk 2, og hann getur valdiđ íkveikju, frosnun, ruglun og lömun međ venjulegu árásunum sínum. Ţá eru eitrun og svefn eftir. Íkveikja er betri útgáfa af eitrun og frosnun er betri útgáfa af svefni. Og fuglapókémonar geta heldur ekki lćrt eiturárásir. Lömun lćkkar ađallega hrađa og „hittni“ (ţví „fully paralyzed“(ađ fullu lamađur) er eins og „attack missed“ (árás hitti ekki)) og lćkkun á hittni er í varnarskyni og Molzapart hefur nóga vörn. Íkveikja er betri en eitrun og Molzapart ţarf ekkert til ađ vera viss um ađ eitra fyrir óvininum og getur ekki veriđ viss um ađ kveikja í honum. Og hann ţarf ekki ađ vera viss um ađ svćfa óvininn og getur ekki veriđ viss um ađ frysta hann. Svo Molzapart ţarf ekki flokk 3 heldur. Og enginn pókémon hefur neitt ađ gera viđ flokk 4! Vá, Molzapart notađi Splash. Ef hann vćri svo heimskur vildi hann enginn!

Molzapart hefur engan veikleika. Hann getur líka gert „super effective“ árás á allar tegundir nema eld, en međ ţessa stöđu ćttu ţeir ekki ađ vera vandamál. Ef Articuno vćri vatnapókémon vćri Molzapart međ veikleika fyrir rafmagni. Ef ţjóđsagnafuglarnir vćru ekki fuglar vćri hann međ veikleika fyrir jörđ. Ţú sérđ ađ stundum munar litlu. En... ég sá ekki... o-ó, Molzapart er međ ţrefaldan veikleika fyrir steinum! Hjálp! FLÝJIĐ! En, reyndar, steinapókémonar eru hćgfara. Molzapart myndi bara vinna ţá međ Blizzard eđa Ice beam. Ekkert mál, en hvađ um eld/steinapókémon eins og Maccargo? Skiptir ekki máli. Molzapart ţarf ekki veikleika til ađ vinna í einu höggi. Gleymiđ ţessu, steinapókémonar! Molzapart er miklu sterkari!

Ég ćtla ađ segja eitt annađ. Ţađ er ekki hćgt ađ kenna Molzapart TM eđa HM, ţó hann lćri Fly sjálfur.


Rainteicune (And the next cliché-hybrid-Pokémon!)


Rainteicune was born after Molzapart. Here’s how it was born.

Raikou, Entei and Suicune were on their race around the Johto world when a terrible thing happened; they all crashed into each other with the power of a gigantic car crash. (Wonderful simile, isn’t it?) They knocked out, of course, and they all died there. But how was there suddenly a Rainteicune?

Suicune died first. It turned into a pool of dirty water. (Heh, can you tell I didn’t like Suicune?) But when the water touched Entei’s body, he died, too, and turned into ashes. (o-o Not much is needed to kill him, all right..). But just as the water touched Entei, it touched Raikou, wich (yay for a word which I was mystified about how to spell at the time) was still alive, but couldn’t move or even open its eyes. Without thinking, it let of its last Thunder in defense, and then died. (The drama...)

You know, nearly dead people are given electric shocks on hospitals to turn them to life. And Raikou’s Thunder it much more powerful than Hospital machine’s Thundershock. (Hehe... Hospital Machine’s Thundershock?) The little life left in Raikou went with the Thunder straight to the place where Suicune’s water and Entei’s body touched each other and Entei died. A Thunder with some life in it can turn dead pokémon back to life. And that is exactly what happened. Raikou, Entei and Suicune mixed because the Thunder came from one pokémon and it hit two dead ones at a time. And now, Rainteicune was born! (I’ve got to admit, that was actually somewhat creative, but freaky.)

A trainer named Alan Ketchum was just getting his first pokémon, a Charmander. (Wasn’t that a great transition?) He had gotten the choice of Charmander, Chikorita or Totodile. (I actually had a reason it was Charmander and not Cyndaquil, gasp! Explained a little later.) He chose Charmander because his father, Professor Ash Ketchum, got it from the egg of his Charizard and a female one that was its friend, or rather girlfriend. (Ash is a professor...) He got a Master ball from his father, wich couldn’t decide wich pokémon he should use the Master ball on, so he told his son to find one of the legendary pokémon and catch it with the Master ball and then use the pokémon to catch the others with regular pokéballs. (*bashes head repeatedly against desk*) So Alan went from Pallet town where his father’s and the other scientist’s lab was placed. It once belong to Professor Oak, wich had given Ash his Pikachu, but now Ash shared the lab with some other scientists and they researched new pokémon. He went to Viridian, then Pewter city, then Cerulean, where his mother Misty was a Gym leader once (o.o I was a Pokéshipper), then to Saffron and to Goldenrod in Johto with the Magnet train. Now, Alan was searching for Raikou, Entei or Suicune and eventually ran into Rainteicune. He became scared because he thougt it was a Suicune because of the head, although its body and legs looked stupid. (Nice way to put it.) He only had his Charmander but remembered no pokémon can get out of the Master ball, no matter how strong it is, so Alan just threw the Master ball and Rainteicune was caught! (Yay for cheapness.) He pointed his pokédex at the pokéball with Rainteicune, but he almost dropped the pokédex when it told him “this is a mysterius pokémon that is fire/water/electric-type. No data avaiable.” (Déjŕ vu...) “Mysterius pokémon,”Alan told himself, staring at the pokéball. “No data avaiable. (x.x The constant misspellings of that word are really starting to bother me by now...) That only means one thing; I caught a new pokémon, a mix between Raikou, Entei and Suicune. Must be something like Molzapart. Better not release it from the pokéball.”

But now you say wait a minute. How did he know about Molzapart? His father, Ash Ketchum, was actually one of the scientists that had the dream about Molzapart. (Yay for deciding on somebody’s identity after writing him in as “a scientist”.) Alan had even seen Molzapart. He knew everything about it. Now, let’s continue with the story. (Yes, please... or should I say ARGH, NO MORE?)

Alan stood there for a long time, staring at the pokéball and thinking, until suddenly...

“Char man der?”

“Oh, Charlie!”(It was the nickname of his Charmander.) (Yay for author’s notes in parentheses.)

Alan suddenly went happier than he had ever been in his life. His first pokémon capture, a new pokémon and best of all, they were safe. He would never have a better reason to be happy. He was so happy that he took Charlie and hugged him until he noticed that the flame on Charlie’s tail was burning his shirt. (That has got to be one of the most o_O paragraphs in the history of writing.) Then he went back to Pallet town. (And THAT has got to be one of the most casual sentence concluding an extremely o_O paragraph in the history of writing.)

Alan opened the door and called: “Dad! Dad! I need to show you something! Oh, hi, Pamela. Hi, Aron.” (The name Aaron has only one A in Icelandic, and I didn’t learn it had two in English until much later.) Pamela was a female Persian and Aron was a male Arcanine. They were just pets. Alan bougt Pamela a month ago in a pet shop as Meowth and on the way home they saw a trainer using Fire stone on his Growlithe. (Thus begins a long completely random flashback.) The resulting Arcanine didn’t seem to like Pamela.

“Hey,”the trainer suddenly said, “I challenge you to a pokémon battle. My Arcanine against your Meowth!”

“Sorry,” Alan said, “I’m not a pokémon trainer. This Meowth is just a pet. I’m too young to train pokémon yet.”

“Oh. Sorry. I thought- No, Aron!

The Arcanine suddenly began attacking Pamela. She got out of the way. (Yay for vague descriptions.)

“Aron, Stop!”the trainer yelled and took out a pokéball. (Yay for random capitalization.) But Arcanine (why am I suddenly not using his name?) didn’t seem to want to go inside a pokéball in the middle of battling a cat. It took the pokéball with its jaws and put it on the ground, then used Flamethrower on it. The pokéball melt. (...ed.)

“Ack! Do you happen to have a pokéball?” the trainer said.

“Of course not,”Alan replied, “I told you, I’m not a trainer.”

“I thought not. (Whoo, I actually spelled “thought” right.) But this was my last one. I need to buy some more... you know, I got it in a trade and it won’t obey me now it has evolved.”

“He’ll kill Pamela! Go to the market quickly and buy a pokéball to recall it! I’ll defend her,”Alan said.

Pamela actually did well defending herself. She used Scratch and Bite and evaded all of Aron’s attacks. Finally, the trainer came back.

“You won´t belive this! They don’t have any pokéballs and I can’t go to the next city without a pokémon! It’s my only one!”

Aron was tired and while he was catching his breath, Pamela got behind him and bit his tail. Aron Roared, but then fainted. Pamela evolved into Persian. (And nobody noticed.)

“Sorry,”Alan said “But...”

The trainer was crying.

“I... I evolved Aron because he hated me. He missed his original trainer... you know, Growlithes are very loyal. Pokémon’s personality changes when they evolve, I just hoped he would forget his old trainer. But now I remember... the trainer was trying to beat some trainer that had rock pokémon. I traded him my Totodile but he said he wanted his Growlithe back when he had beaten the trainer and had time to come back. (You... “forgot” he wanted his Growlithe back... right...) And now... I’ve been thinking... Evolving a pokémon is like killing it. (I had very radical views on evolution – which is funny, because the only Pokémon I’ve ever left unevolved for good in the games is Scyther.) And another trainer’s pokémon... he would never evolve my Totodile without asking me... I feel like a killer. I’m no better than Team rocket.” (Haha... Team Rocket is not exactly on the “killer” scale, is it?)

“They aren’t that bad after all. They tried to steal my father’s Pikachu many times. But he said they aren’t evil. Mostly just funny.”said Alan. (As Alan points out.)

“Really? But what should I do? Maybe catch another Growlithe?”

“Don’t even think about it. Dad says that a good trainer can always reconize his own pokémon from another, even from its twin.”said Alan. (Yay for incorrect punctuation around quotation marks.)

“Who is your father, anyway?”

“My father is Professor Ash Ketchum.” (All proud of it here...)

“Really? The best pokémon trainer ever? The one with the Pikachu? Has he discovered any new pokémon?”

“No,”Alan lied. He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about Molzapart.

“You’re lying. I saw him talking to another scientist wether to call some newly discovered pokémon Molzapart or Unodostres.” (“And I thought, ‘Wow, they must have no creativity whatsoever!’”)

“Okay. I’ll tell you, but don’t tell anyone else. They discovered a new pokémon called Molzapart or Unodostres. It’s a mix between Articuno, Zapzos, Moltres and Mew. It’s the strongest pokémon and no trainer can catch it. There’s only one. It only appears for trainers that respect it. It’s fire/electric/ice/flying/psychic type and can know five attacks at a time. I’ve seen it once... it has Moltres’s head, Zapdos’s body and Articuno’s wings and tailfeathers. It was beutiful.”

“But hey, what can I do with Aron?” (Because all of a sudden when he heard it was the strongest Pokémon ever and et cetera, he lost all interest in it.)

“I think it’s best for the trainer not to get him as Arcanine. Don’t even let him see Aron. If he doesn’t have any memories of him as Arcanine, he feels better. I’ll take Aron as a pet. Anyway, tell him where he is so he knows he’s safe. (Well, that’s a... strange idea there. I actually later, when I started incorporating bits of this story into The Quest for the Legends, made it so that Alan just said this because he wanted an Arcanine for himself.) Also tell him how you feel and catch another pokémon that is not a Growlithe to trade back for your Totodile. Have it a Fire-type, anyway. Well, I can sure understand if he gets really sad, but I’m sure he will forgive you. And I’ll ask my Dad if there is any way to devolve pokémon and get their old personality back. I won’t forget it.”

“Okay. Thank you. Hey, when is your birthday?”

“9. September.”

“And how old are you?” (Honestly, wouldn’t it be much more logical for him to ask first how old he was?)

“I’m 9.” (Yay for writing numbers with digits...)

“Will you start training pokémon in September, then?”

“Suppose I will.”

“Hey, you give me your phone number and I’ll give you mine. I’m always finding cool stuff that I don’t need. I’ll give it all to you.” (XDDD Somebody had been playing Crystal too much.)

“Okay. Friends, then?”

“Yes. Friends. I’m Peter Hanks. Nice to meet you.”

“Alan Ketchum. Nice to meet you too.”

Then they heard something. They checked. (Wonderful description there.) It was a Jynx attacking a Pikachu. (A Jynx... in the middle of the city. o_O)

“Why doesn’t Pikachu move?”Peter asked.

“It’s frozen solid. Dad... Hey! That’s Dad’s Pikachu! We gotta do something!” (Never mind what the heck Ash’s Pikachu was doing alone in a dark alley in the city without Alan even knowing he was there...)

Alan took a leap trying to grab Pikachu but then Jynx used Blizzard. Alan fell like a stone statue and Peter relized that he was frozen too.

“I wish Aron weren’t fainted. It could melt Jynx and thaw them out. But...”


“Hey! Pamela! I... I know you’re only supposed to be a pet, but... Bite! Now!”

Pamela bit Jynx once and Jynx ran away. Peter put Alan on Pamela’s back (how would he stay on?) and held Pikachu. Then they hurried to Ash’s lab.


Ash came quickly.

“Who are you?”

“A Jynx attacked your Pikachu and your son. They are frozen.” (Never mind answering the question.)

“Oh, this needs...”Ash took out a pokéball. “Cyndaquil! I choose you!”

A Cyndaquil came out of the pokéball.

“Cyndaquil! Thaw them out with Flame wheel!”(I knew that Flame Wheel thaws out frozen Pokémon. I’m cool now.)

“Cynda! Quil!” (Wonderful description...)

“Pi... ka... CHU!!!!!!”

Pikachu had certainly been in the middle of using Thunderbolt when Jynx freeze it. The Thunderbolt hit Ash right in the face. He fell to the ground and looked exactly like on a photo on the wall. It was funny. (He keeps photos of Pikachu Thunderbolting him on the wall?)

“Now, how can I thank you for rescuing them? Are you a pokémon trainer?” (Never mind the electric shock he just got...)

“Yes, I am, sir.”

“Then take this Cyndaquil. It will be a good partner. Well, It was supposed to be a choice for Alan as starting pokémon, but I have another level 5 fire pokémon that evolves two times and I’ll never give that one to strangers.” (Yay for the reason Alan got a choice of Charmander, Chikorita and Totodile.)

Then Peter left with his new pokémon. (Not saying a word to Alan or anything... or was he still frozen? o_O)

But now, Ash turned to Alan. (Apparently not.)

“Hi, Alan. Caught any pokémon yet?”

“Yes. A mysterius pokémon that is fire/water/electic-type and no data is avaiable in my pokédex.”

“Do you mean... you caught a new pokémon?” (“No, didn’t you remember we have loads of Pokémon like that already? You’re getting old, Dad.”)

“Yes. A mix between Raikou, Entei and Suicune that I’m going to name Rainteicune. But if it acts like Molzapart, it should be safe to let it out of the ball in the testing room. It doesn’t have psychic powers so it can’t teleport away or attack us through the glass.”

The testing room was a big room with strong walls. There was no door, only a “window” to another room where the scientists could watch what happened and a small hole in the glass with a holder just below. It was made to put a pokéball on the holder and the beam could get into the room and form a pokémon through the hole but the pokémon couldn’t go back unless it would be recalled in the pokéball. Alan put the pokéball with Rainteicune on the holder and it appeared in the room. It just stood there.

“Rainteicune? That’s you. Use Ember - now!”

Alan wasn’t even hoping Rainteicune would do anything, but it obeyed. (Now we’ll start wondering why the heck it did...)

“It’s burning the floor.”Ash wasn’t delighted. (Meanwhile, Ash is completely unmoved by the fact they’ve just gotten a new Pokémon and, bizarrely enough, it obeys his son’s every word.)

“Okay. Rainteicune – Bubblebeam! Now!”

The room suddenly filled with bubbles. (Of course Rainteicune didn’t have anything to do with it.)

“Alan! Remove those bubbles! Rainteicune can jump through the glass at any minute!” (Wow, he sure is cranky. By the way, why isn’t the glass secured?)

“Rainteicune! Thundershock! On all the bubbles!”

Alan was happy that Rainteicune only seemed to be a normal pokémon. The bubbles disappeared one by one.

“What is your fourth attack, Rainteicune?”Alan asked. Rainteicune shot some water from its mouth.

“Oh. So you know water gun too.”

Then Ash and the scientists went on researching Rainteicune, but when they were finished Ash came to Alan and said:

“Okay. Then it’s yours. It’s level 10.” (...that brat is SPOILED.)

Alan was delighted. Now Rainteicune was really his pokémon. And Rainteicune seemed to be happy too.

Rainteicune’s attacks: (Now to return to the article format...)

Level   Attack

---        Bubble

5          Water gun

6          Thundershock

7          Ember

10        Bubblebeam

11        Spark

12        Flame wheel

18        Fire spin

22        Surf (Yes, it actually learns an HM move by itself too.)

23        Thunderbolt

24        Flamethrower

30        Rain dance (Okay... why Rain Dance and not Sunny Day?)

36        Hydro pump

37        Thunder

38        Fire blast

Okay, they found out Rainteicune’s attacks. And Alan went on with his new pokémon. But are there no Raikou, Entei and Suicune anymore? (I’m first bringing that up now?) Yes, but not the original ones. They died and mixed into Rainteicune. That’s because these days, most trainers know how to clone pokémon and make a more powerful one, like done with Mewtwo, but much more simple. All trainers that catch Raikou, Entei and Suicune clone them and release the originals. (This is, by the way, a reference to the cloning trick.) And the clones have higher status, but the truth is that they aren’t any more powerful. Remember Molzapart? It was so strong that it didn’t allow a trainer to control it. The more powerful clones are like that, they don’t use all their power to attack. They don’t escape from their trainer like Molzapart would do only because of the same reason as kids don’t escape from their parents. The clones are born with the trainer in front of them and just can’t go. Molzapart, however, was born wild and has no will to stay with any trainer. (Wow, I really loved to emphasize that silly fact, didn’t I?)

Alan had his first trainer battle using Rainteicune when Rainteicune had reached level 40 and learned all its attacks. The moveset now was Surf, Rain dance, Thunder and Fire blast. Charlie had reached level 15. (Talk about overtraining one Pokémon and undertraining another.) The trainer was one of the trainers that had cloned Raikou, Entei and Suicune and his name was Roger. His Raikou, Entei and Suicune were all level 40, just like Rainteicune.

Alan first sent out Charlie to make him gain some experience. Roger, of course, sent out Suicune because water beats fire.

“This won’t work. Charlie, come back! Go, Rainteicune!”

“Rainteicuuuune!” This was of course Rainteicune’s cry. (Oh, really? I thought that was Roger.)

“Hey! What is that? You’re cheating! Only pokémon can fight in a pokémon battle!”

“This is a pokémon. Look!” And Alan pointed his pokédex at Rainteicune.

“Rainteicune, mystic pokémon. This pokémon was first caught by a young trainer at route 46. It is a mix between Raikou, Entei and Suicune.” (*rolls eyes*)

Rainteicune’s data had of course been added to Alan’s pokédex, but Roger’s pokédex only said “no data avaiable”. (@_@ NO, IT DIDN’T! Learn to spell, former self... v.v)

“Your pokédex needs to be updated,”Alan said, laughing at Roger’s look inside. (o_O)

“Okay. Suicune – Rain dance!”

“Rainteicune – Thunder!”


“Rain... tei...CUUUUUNE!”

And Suicune was off. (Best. Battle. Ever.)

“Charlie, it’s your turn!”

“Go! Entei!

Entei knows Stomp. Charlie could never survive that. (Basically, I needed an excuse to make Alan use the “switch on first turn” technique.)

“Charlie, come back! Go! Rainteicune!”

“Entei – Stomp!”

“Rainteicune – Surf!”



And Entei was off, but Rainteicune had only half of its health. (Such brilliant, vivid descriptions of what’s happening!)

“Charlie, beat that one!”

“Go! Raikou!”

“Charlie – Flamethrower!”

“Raikou –Spark!”

“Charman der!”


Charlie hit Raikou, but became paralyzed.

“Oh no! Charlie, come back! Go! Rainteicune!”

“Raikou – Thunder!”

“Rainteicune – Fire blast!”

“Rai... KOU!”


Rainteicune went down to 2 Hit Points, but Raikou fainted. (The emotion! The excitement! I can’t bear it!)

“Okay, thanks for the match… gotta go!”

And Alan ran to the next Pokémon Center.

“Hello, dear. What can I do for you?”

“Just heal my pokémon quick… here.” Alan released Rainteicune and Charlie from the pokéballs.

“What pokémon is that?”

“It’s Rainteicune and it was just found,” Alan said. “But I worry about Charlie, he’s paralyzed.”

“Oh, a new pokémon. You know, I’m a nurse, so I’m supposed to know every pokémon. It would be embarassing if a trainer with normal pokémon comes and I don’t know what pokémon it is… well, better heal the poor things.” And she took them into the room but came back suddenly.

“Your… your Charmander is evolving… I thought you’d want to know…”

“CHARLIE!!!” Alan yelled and hurried into the room. He didn’t want the same thing to happen to Charlie as happened to poor Aron. But it was too late, Charlie, wich was trying not to evolve, had evolved into Charmeleon. (And articley explanation ahoy...) Every pokémon tries not to evolve, but the next form, that was in the Land of the Pokémon not yet born, is trying to make it evolve to finally get to the real world of Pokémon already born. That’s why evolution takes time, but the second form is stronger than the first one and the third form is stronger than the second form, so the next stage always wins and the other pokémon goes to the Land of the Evolved Pokémon and they will never get back to Earth. (Romantic run-on sentences!) And believe me; NO pokémon is happy there, even though that land is no worse than Earth. They feel like their trainer killed them for being weak. Why? Because if the trainer helps, he can stop the pokémon from evolving very easily. If the trainer doesn’t, it is like saying “Oh yeah, finally is that weakling evolving”. (I had a really, REALLY strange view on evolution.) But back to the story, Alan was too late to help, but as he was going to, Charlie became the happiest pokémon in the Land of the Evolved Pokémon.

Alan had to put the Charmeleon into a PC box because he was ten minutes getting it back into the ball after once releasing it, and it didn’t obey anyway. (Yay, let’s stuff it into a box!)


That’s all I ever wrote of this story. I had plans to continue it and write about how Alan met Molzapart (which I had already planned out) and Molzapart offered to attempt to devolve Charlie (with the unexpected consequences of making his form unstable and allowing him to evolve or devolve at will) in exchange for making Alan release Rainteicune. However, inspired by the first trainer fic I read, I decided to make a real Pokémon story – this was always just thought as an explanation of Molzapart and Rainteicune after all. And thus started “My Pokémon Story”, which after a few chapters acquired the infamous name of The Quest for the Legends, and ended up being my medium for finishing Alan’s story as well, though now in a much-modified form.