Chapter 6: Rick when the mark obtained the room of gymnastics still, it remembered not to speak with the first amaestrador while it fought, or it would lose a return. It checked if its pokémon were any worms the line and later that entered and took outside towards the pokéball of Sandshrew?s. ?You still? It goes, Arcanine? it said to the amaestrador with the annoying voice. Arcanine left the ball which it sent towards outside and éraflée. ?Go, Sandshrew? ?Arcanine, Extremespeed? Arcanine became a lack of definition and approached Sandshrew at the high speed. ?Sandshrew, earthquake? Stod De Sandshrew vertical, then broken its leg of the ground? and the sacudarió of the ground really. It was astonishing how the so small pokémon could cause and earthquake to be occurred, but it always did it. D' Arcanine always the sacudaría after the earthquake, being a type of fire, it was very vulnerable to rectify the attacks type. ?Arcanine, Extremespeed? the amaestrador placed order. Wasn?t d' Arcanine like purposely and of didn?t Sandshrew wounded as much this time. ?Sandshrew, earthquake? Sandshrew caused an earthquake still, the distiller who obtained the fall of his new attack, Sandshrew now tested breaking the ground still thus the earthquake would last more length. Arcanine finished at the time falling. Didn?t is stopped for above still. ?Arcanine, turned over! It Disappears, Zapdos? ?Sandshrew, enough that?s! It Disappears, Charmeleon? The mark always remembered research between Sandshrew and Zapdos. ?Zapos, ray? Zapdos charged on electricity and threw to a bolt of the lightning in Charmeleon. He rugió in pain while it tightened it, and inhaled to him in anger deeply and threw to a glare of fire in Zapdos of its mouth. ?Zapdos, vagueness of the thunder clap? Zapdos started to still charge electricity, but the wasn?t of the mark which disappeared let strike. ?Charmeleon, attempt to be useful more one faster glare and fire? Charmeleon handled to ruin Zapdos while it charged always, and desmayó, with surprised los?Zapdos of Mark?s., become! It Disappears, Moltres? the el?Charmeleon, becomes! Hágalo, Jolteon! Thundershock? Jolteon fired a certain electricity in Moltres and the desmayó in struck way or of other of the los?Moltres, becomes! It Disappears, Articuno? ?Jolteon, Thundershock? The desmayó of Articuno in one also struck. Couldn?t of the mark creates it! ?Articuno, turned over. You still beat with me? the amaestrador this. ?Yeah, I thus conjecture? it indicated the mark and that fired. After it treated its pokémon, it checked its levels. Charmeleon was level 19, Jolteon was level 18, Sandshrew was level 17 and Gyarados was, naturally, the real level 22. ?You? It Disappears, Raikou? the amaestrador according to indicated the mark as soon as entered the battle field. ?Go, Sandshrew? ?Raikou, crujido? ?Sandshrew, rapid! Earthquake? The mark shouted. Raikou faster, although, and was jumped in Sandshrew in the attempts to bite it. But as in the first battle, Sandshrew handled to stir up to the top of itself for above before Raikou could make any thing. Then Sandshrew broke its leg of the ground, making an earthquake to strike Raikou. Posterior Rugió and el?Raikou ploughed up, become! It Disappears, Suicune? the el?Sandshrew, becomes! It Disappears, Jolteon? ?Suicune, hydraulic pump? ?Now you incurred a great error? Marks with saying, making faced the el?Jolteon, is ready with Thundershock? Jolteon charged for Thundershock while Suicune ruined water in him, but when water was exact on the tact of the?Now of Jolteon...! And the hydraulic pump eludes? The mark shouted. Jolteon on the left of Thundershock and the wire of water it in Suicune which obtained fried. While waiting, Jolteon leaned and the hydraulic pump finishes running up against the el?Suicune wall, becomes! It Disappears, Entei? the el?Jolteon, becomes! It Disappears, Sandshrew! Earthquake? This Sandshrew time was faster and the desmayó of Entei in one struck, as soon as like the others. An odd number, marks the thought. Legendary Pokémon must be stronger than that one... The amaestrador did not indicate anything, him it pointed out Entei and did not open the door. Mark it went to the nurse and it treated its pokémon and it checked its levels. Jolteon had developed to make level 19 and Sandshrew was level 18, almost 19. Were Charmeleon and Gyarados, naturally, 22, real level 19 and now it?s the amaestrador with Mewtwotwo? thought of the mark. with the el?Better bien-a taken the care of time is? But wasn?t of the amaestrador there. Mark it went to the door and it saw the word of nota?Went to obtain another Mewtwo. The desafiadores, please go to cross, of the it?s nonjoined? Remote mark with the thought in the way in which Mewtwo moved by telepathy. And the amaestrador had the aforementioned end one del?the also. How much Mewtwos could be on the monitoring around, hoping to assume the order the world? The mark tried not to think of it and went to cross. The amaestrador after will posteriora of wine part del?You?re finally? it said that it hopes with him. It goes, Ho-Ho-OH? Jolteon? crowned fire? rapid? Thundershock? And, rather étrangement, the del?I of can?t of Ho-Ho-OH desmayó. creates! Desmayó in one struck? Do the mark with saying in los?It?s of incredulity make level 9? it indicated to amaestrador. chechmate that they raise the stat los?Its, naturally, only the it?s always only of level 9.? That it explains much, mark the thought. Pokémon knew that legendary I cause that large the stat and shouldn?t hardly lose like that! But he did not say anything aloud. Lugia? Thundershock? De Lugia of desmayó el?You also I batio '? it indicated to lighting amaestrador.? there?s smaller amaestrador before Rick? Mark it went internal the quarter and it treated its pokémon. The smaller past of amaestrador came and indicated: the del?I of won?t is easy! It Disappears, Celebi? It sent the pokémon green of fairies. Mark asked. How in the ground could the amaestradores smaller commun runs make than the pokémon while they maúllen and Celebi? What could Rick have, later... los?Yes, it?s Celebi, the congratulations which you noted. Send pokémon.? the good del?All, disappears, Charmeleon! Glare of fire? psychic? Charmeleon faster, but with was still surprised of Mark?s, didn?t of weak Celebi of a glare of the fire, which would have surely made if it were anywhere close to the new level. It finishes polishing Charmeleon intensely crimson and deputy which its head against the glare struck by ceiling of fire still? But Celebi moved by telepathy far in time; Clear-sighted lacked Charmeleon.? Celebi sent Charmeleon up to the ceiling, still then dropped him. It didn?t is stopped for still the el?Charmeleon above, becomes! It Disappears, Sandshrew? Sending Sandshrew, the mark took a risk. Celebi was pokémon grass and thus it was resistant to the earthquake, in more of being able to fly although it was in the ground at the present time, but Sandshrew would surely gain a level if it handled to beat Celebi. Solarbeam? it indicated to the amaestrador. Celebi began the energy of the load for Solarbeam, and, with the satisfaction of Mark?s, neither the amaestrador nor Celebi did suppose that Sandshrew knew the earthquake, thus Celebi was always in the earthquake of the ground? The mark knew that it had to beat the desmayaría of Celebi, or Sandshrew with Solarbeam. But the chance is a blessing; it was a critical blow, and Celebi is towards lowered, in weak, with the weak un?Celebi of the del?Cele......?, of biiiiii is turned over. Enciéndase and Rick faces? the amaestrador indicated and opened the door. A certain noise could be heard by the door. Did the mark go to check what were will los?Lapras, becomes? It was May, as soon as remembering Lapras which it had apparently taken since they fought in the lake hello, of the marks! Go does how its pokémon? it refines the del?They?re. Both were developed and did I?ve take two more? it marks answered the ends of battle? resisting? Resistant May this one. Make to attention in it combatant, particularly... the aerodynamic del?No of interceptors? Rick indicated of behind. He was a fair-haired young person of man with the brown eyes for warning I in any event, May? marks with happiness, girl to smile, here?s the currency of the element? Rick indicated and did give it to a currency that the el?Now obtains it lost thus I can fight with his friend? it the aforementioned May and put the currency in its pocket. Later it smiled in the mark, chance this del?Good? and it left. Maintaining the mark noted that this battle field was even larger than the others five. It there had a swimming pool for the pokémon water towards the left and was rocks very finished towards the line. Among them, right the floor begin was los?Let?s the battle, the boy? The el?I by Rick chooses Ho-Ho-OH? the el?Jolteon, disappears! Thundershock? Did Rick?s Ho-Ho-OH obtain fried, but always handled to hang the interior earthquake? Cold requested of Rick. Its Ho-Ho-OH immediately obeyed, plunged and broken up in the ground. Jolteon lowered to the bottom, but it was stopped with tiredness for above still. Thundershock? Mark of Rugida. Jolteon charged for in top, then sent to a shock of electricity in the arc arc-in-sky-coloured by pokémon. Did Ho-Ho-OH fall to the bottom, in weak turned over? Leggins de Rick, tightening its el?Go fist, maúlla? The mark had learned how not to be astonished when the amaestradores in this gymnastics sent the pokémon that it had not always thought anybody could as soon as always you?re of faster catch! Thundershock? metrónomo something of good? Rick this quickly. Maullar shook its leg, and later it became a lack of definition, as soon as like the first trainer?s smaller Arcanine, and Jolteon embarked in incredible speed before it handled to attack. They threw in the wall, blow with him it hardly and were in weak, while a smile separated by the face from the el?Jolteon of Rick?s., becomes! It Disappears, Gyarados? the el?Mew, is ready! And now! Ray? Rugió de Rick, indicating a finger in Gyarados. Electricity + Gyarados = is desmayan. Directed Everyone?s had been filled of this at the school. There was no manner of forgetting it. And Gyarados obtained in fact fried with a potato to turned over English! It Disappears, Sandshrew? still leaves? Rick indicated, observing with the fixedness in Sandshrew. Rectum intensely blue polished of Maúlla, and water in the swimming pool flooded by the floor, in Sandshrew. you can do it! Encréspese for above and of the rejections water? Sandshrew was stirred up upwards on and after water disappeared, was the real el?Sandshrew of unhurt, the earthquake of the use, confidences to me? Sandshrew observed questioningly the mark. Maúlle floated inside half-full the of-air, so much there wasn?t much of direction by using the earthquake. The situation was pretty as when the Gyarados mark indicated to employ me go in water, but a principal thing was different: Mark Sandshrew of confidence all the equal one. Then an earthquake to long range tightened the ground, the rocks towards the left started to roll around, smallest they flew for above in the sky and still unloaded. A large rock rolled known the tail of Mew?s while it tried to still avoid and stuck it to the ground; more followed rocks and the earthquake now started to also affect the maúlla. Maúlle fell to the ground and obtained buried under rocks. it shouted under the stopped battery? The mark shouted with the noise of the rocks of balance, but the didn?t of Sandshrew hears and more rocks filled on maullar, c?sandshrew yelling of distiller! STOP NOW? Stopped Sandshrew and noise died far. Similar Maúlle to have itself in a weight of weak lower part of rocks, but all... does?Sandshrew equal, finish it? Sandshrew was stirred up for above and rolled in the maúlla of battery of rock was buried below. Then it struck the battery, the rocks dispersed around the battle field. Then Sandshrew stopped and put the maúlla, used completely towards the external thing and of unconscoious. of del?Poor? the gone mark this and until the maúlla corrompu, doubled to the bottom and examined him carefully. It then heard the murmur of Rick something like: the el?I much of too knew with the use of the shouldn?t of I these original? Which too much weak? Is this one the original? Original Maúlla? Mark the order, maintaining while being stopped for in top. ?Yes, but it?s useless! You can have it if you have the pleasure? Rick this they toma?Can of I... as soon as it? The mark requested not?Why? Useless It?s, and it?s were desmayaron equal! I do not have anything to make with him! Here, taking that? And pokéball sent by Rick to the mark? Pokéball de Mew?s. The maúlla pointed out of mark in him and arrived to the nurse when Rick called: ?Hey, I said that you could have it, not that you could employ it in the battle! Turned over here immediately? wishes of the el?But I to treat it! Do seriously damaged It?s, I have? to?After the battle, cabrito! After the battle? ?It?s which dies? The mark rugió. taken into account of the del?And I of don?t? A noisier howl of Rick still. ?Go, Celebi! Solarbeam? Rick sent Celebi which immediately started to charge the light of the el?Sandshrew of the sun, becomes! It Disappears, Charmeleon? Celebi employed Solarbeam, but the damage of Charmeleon of the didn?t much. ?Charmeleon, glare of fire? to?Chaaaaaaaar? Charmeleon attacked with a good glare of fire. This desmayó of Celebi, so much apparently trainer?s smaller than Celebi was stronger than this one. An odd number. The computer room managers of gymnastics have the pokémon generally more fort than their smaller el?Celebi of amaestradores., becomes! It Disappears, Suicune? Rick indicated and enclosed its el?I teeth strongly must change, but Sandshrew is also weak to sprinkle... Well, I have. Charmeleon, becomes! Does Hágalo,!!!!? of Sandshrew?Suicune, still leave? the el?Sandshrew, increasing rolling up and reject it? But the undertow of Suicune?s was more with long range than Mew?s. Sandshrew was wounded, less than him if it hadn?t stirred up to the top of for in top, naturally, only it had to wound the el?Sandshrew, please! You have! Earthquake? Sandshrew jumped for above and the gritó?SHREEEEEEEW!!!!!!?, then unloaded in the ground, causing a great earthquake. The rugió of Suicune and lowered to the ground downwards, then Sandshrew radically reduced with its claws, to finish extinct the?Suicune, turned over! It Disappears, Articuno? the el?Sandshrew, becomes! It Disappears, Charmeleon? the el?Articuno, is ready? ?Charmeleon, glare of fire? ?Articuno, beam of the ice? The beam and Charmeleon?s of the ice of Articuno?s fire the glare solved in the center among them. The ice melted in water on the contact with fire. Maintaining the mark considered what Rick tried to do; the beam of the ice would give the return in an attack of water, gains the energy of a hydraulic pump and if Charmeleon gave for in top, it would run up against it, desmayando it. Nevertheless, if Charmeleon could in way or of other behind the push water in Articuno, desmayaría surely with the energy of the hydraulic pump and the glare of fire was joined. But does a glare of water have to easily eliminate a glare from fire, shouldn?t it? the el?Charmeleon, don?t gives for in top! You can do it? it marks this. But it helps many didn?t; the place where the solved attacks moved slowly towards Charmeleon and Rick pushed its Articuno fired. It resembled despaired. Suddenly, something resembled to arrive at Charmeleon. As it finishes obtaining an idea. And it stopped by one second and fired some flames in the ceiling, but later it was against Articuno still because frozen water was on the edge to strike it. Did the sun burst suddenly towards outside? The flames of Charmeleon?s had burned a hole in the ceiling día?Sunny! That functions like the sunny day! And this means... The sunny day led in top for attacks of fire but of him of the attacks of debilitates of water! Yay for Charmeleon? The mark was el?Charmeleon enchanted, the subsistence which disappears, you?ll? Didn?t de Charmeleon gives for in top. And the place where the solved attacks still moved towards Articuno, slowly but constantly. When Articuno reached, it burst in an explosion of the pens. Nothing was with the left of Articuno but of a swimming pool of the water which would reform when it was el?Articuno treated, part of will posteriora of sight! It Disappears, Raikou? enough! Does Sandshrew, disappear? crujido? Rick?s Raikou hurried in Sandshrew and it bit it, before him handled to stir up to the top of itself for in top. Did Sandshrew take the damage with its hard skin rather well, although earthquake? Mark ordered. Sandshrew broke its leg with the ground and caused an earthquake; it wounded Raikou much, but the weak howl of didn?t? The rugió of Raikou menacingly, and Sandshrew were again forced in its pokéball. Charmeleon! Glare of fire? Charmeleon blew with a glare of fire in the cattle of Raikou and desmayó.! Victoire '! '!!!!!!!!!? of profit the mark to the shouted el?You of Charmeleon and prisoner made large! Really large! And did that expose to the sun produces it replacement of the day was a great idea? cabrito, you the currency of the element, but did you can have gain with the chance? Rick this. Rick gave to a fresh currency him, with clouds, the lightning, fire, the grass, snow and water to surround a crimson of eye. The mark put in its pocket and on the left.